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Jemma Issroff edited this page May 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Ruby's source code is written assuming the following. It is considered to be extremely difficult to port to an environment not satisfying (any of) them.

The Language

  • Your C compiler complies ISO/IEC 9899:1999 at least for features in "Known supported features" of
  • The "execution character set" of your C environment (cf: the standard) must be ASCII, not something like EBCDIC.
  • Your compiler should not limit user (re-)definitions of identifiers listed in the C standard library.
  • (If you choose to opt-in instruction unification feature of the VM) Your C compiler must accept switch statement with more than 256 branches.
  • Your C compiler must accept string literals of at least 7,000 characters.


  • char must either be identical to signed char or identical to unsigned char and nothing else.
  • char must be 8 bits long. There are a lot of places where 8 appear as magic numbers.
  • int must be 32 bits long.
  • long must either be 32 bits long or 64 bits long.
  • Fixnum's width is that of long, not that of pointers. This is true even when long is smaller than VALUE.
  • time_t must be an integer type (but signedness might vary).
  • Unsigned 32 bits integer is required for character handlings due to due to GB18030. Signed 32 bits is insufficient.
  • There must either be intptr_t, or an integer type that can be casted from/to void * without loss.
  • Although the standard says enum is a signed int, there are parts in the source code where enum and long are assumed convertible without loss.
  • sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void*) holds.
  • sizeof(VALUE) == sizeof(void*) holds.

Pointers / Memories

  • Either long or long long (_int64) must be convertible with pointers.
  • void * must exist.
  • Function pointers and void * must be convertible without loss.
  • Arbitrary function pointers must be convertible via cast to each other and can be called via casting.
  • Machine stack must exist; that is, automatic variables should be arranged in a high-order or low-order specific position of some memory address, not distributed.
  • Least significant 2 bits of pointer type values ​​must always be 0.

Floating point number

  • Infinity and NaN must exist somewhere in the double type.
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