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Complete Shoryuken Setup for Rails 5 with ActiveJob

Pablo Cantero edited this page Oct 4, 2019 · 8 revisions

Create SQS queue

Login to your Amazon AWS Console and go to SQS to create the queue or use the Shoryuken CLI.

shoryuken sqs create QUEUE-NAME

See shoryuken sqs help create.

Install gem

gem 'shoryuken'
gem 'aws-sdk-sqs'

Note: aws-sdk gem is not necessary.

Configure your rails application to use Shoryuken

# config/application.rb
module YourRailsApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.active_job.queue_adapter = :shoryuken

Create your job

# app/jobs/your_job.rb
class YourJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as 'name_of_your_sqs_queue'

  def perform(resource_id)
    resource   = Resource.find(resource_id)
    # perform your task on resource ...

Trigger your job where required:


Configure shoryuken.yml

Make sure it's located in config/shoryuken.yml. This will be used by the worker to consume and process the messages sent to the queue in SQS.

concurrency: 15
  - [name_of_your_queue_in_sqs, 1]
  - [<%= ENV['OTHER_QUEUE'] %>, 1]

You can use dotenv to setup your environment variables.

The number 1 above after the queue name is the queue weight, please refer to Polling strategies for more information.

Run the following command to start consuming the SQS queue

bundle exec shoryuken -R -C config/shoryuken.yml