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An open-source library for interpolation functions of parametric curves (Bézier, B-Spline) useful for robotics applications.


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An Open-Source Parametric Curves Library Useful for Robotics Applications


Programming Language


Import Libraries

More information can be found in the individual scripts (.py).

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Windows, Linux, macOS

Project Description

An open-source library for interpolation functions of parametric curves (Bézier, B-Spline) useful for robotics applications, such as path planning, etc. The library provides access to specific classes for working with two types of parametric curves: Bézier curves and B-Spline curves. The specific classes focus on the problem of interpolating both two-dimensional and three-dimensional curves from input control points.

The classes also include the methods to calculate the derivative of the individual curves, arc-length, bounding box, simplification of the curves, and much more. The B-Spline interpolation class contains a function to optimize control points using the least squares method.

Path (Bézier): ..\Collision_Detection\src\Interpolation\Bezier\
Path (B-Spline): ..\Collision_Detection\src\Interpolation\B_Spline\

In particular, the library focuses on solving the path planning problem of the industrial/collaborative robotic arms. But, as an open-source library, it can be used for other tasks, as creativity knows no limits.

The repository also contains a transformation library with the necessary project-related functions. See link below.


The library can be used within the Robot Operating System (ROS), Blender, PyBullet, Nvidia Isaac, or any program that allows Python as a programming language.

Bézier Curves

Bernstein Polynomials

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/Bezier
$ ../Evaluation/Bezier> python3

Demonstration of two-dimensional (2D) Curves

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/Bezier
$ ../Evaluation/Bezier> python3

Demonstration of three-dimensional (3D) Curves

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/Bezier
$ ../Evaluation/Bezier> python3

A simple program that describes how to work with the library can be found below. The whole program is located in the individual evaluation folder.

# System (Default)
import sys
# Numpy (Array computing) [pip3 install numpy]
import numpy as np
# Matplotlib (Visualization) [pip3 install matplotlib]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Custom Lib.:
#   ../Interpolation/Bezier/Core
import Interpolation.Bezier.Core as Bezier

    Initialization of constants.
# Bezier curve interpolation parameters.
#   'method': The name of the method to be used to interpolate the parametric curve.
#               method = 'Explicit' or 'Polynomial'.
#   N: The number of points to be generated in the interpolation function.
CONST_BEZIER_CURVE = {'method': 'Explicit', 'N': 100}
# Visibility of the bounding box:
#   'limitation': 'Control-Points' or 'Interpolated-Points'
CONST_BOUNDING_BOX = {'visibility': False, 'limitation': 'Control-Points'}

def main():
        A program to visualize a parametric two-dimensional Bézier curve of degree n.

    # Input control points {P} in two-dimensional space.
    P = np.array([[1.00,  0.00], 
                  [2.00, -0.75], 
                  [3.00, -2.50], 
                  [3.75, -1.25], 
                  [4.00,  0.75], 
                  [5.00,  1.00]], dtype=np.float32)

    # Initialization of a specific class to work with Bézier curves.
    B_Cls = Bezier.Bezier_Cls(CONST_BEZIER_CURVE['method'], P, 
    # Interpolation of parametric Bézier curve.
    B = B_Cls.Interpolate()

    # Obtain the arc length L(x) of the general parametric curve.
    L = B_Cls.Get_Arc_Length()

    # Create a figure.
    _, ax = plt.subplots()

    # Visualization of relevant structures.
    ax.plot(P[:, 0], P[:, 1], 'o--', color='#d0d0d0', linewidth=1.0, markersize = 8.0, 
            markeredgewidth = 4.0, markerfacecolor = '#ffffff', label='Control Points')
    ax.plot(B[:, 0], B[:, 1], '.-', color='#ffbf80', linewidth=1.5, markersize = 8.0, 
            markeredgewidth = 2.0, markerfacecolor = '#ffffff', label=f'Bézier Curve (N = {B_Cls.N}, L = {L:.03})')

    # Show the result.

if __name__ == '__main__':

B-Spline Curves

Basic Functions

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/B_Spline
$ ../Evaluation/B_Spline> python3

Demonstration of two-dimensional (2D) Curves

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/B_Spline
$ ../Evaluation/B_Spline> python3

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/B_Spline
$ ../Evaluation/B_Spline> python3

Demonstration of three-dimensional (3D) Curves

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/B_Spline
$ ../Evaluation/B_Spline> python3

$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Evaluation/B_Spline
$ ../Evaluation/B_Spline> python3

A simple program that describes how to work with the library can be found below. The whole program is located in the individual evaluation folder.

# System (Default)
import sys
# Numpy (Array computing) [pip3 install numpy]
import numpy as np
# Matplotlib (Visualization) [pip3 install matplotlib]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Custom Lib.:
#   ../Interpolation/B_Spline/Core
import Interpolation.B_Spline.Core as B_Spline

    Initialization of constants.
# B-Spline interpolation parameters.
#   n: Degree of a polynomial.
#   N: The number of points to be generated in the interpolation function.
#   'method': The method to be used to select the parameters of the knot vector. 
#               method = 'Uniformly-Spaced', 'Chord-Length' or 'Centripetal'.
CONST_B_SPLINE = {'n': 3, 'N': 100, 'method': 'Chord-Length'}
# Visibility of the bounding box:
#   'limitation': 'Control-Points' or 'Interpolated-Points'
CONST_BOUNDING_BOX = {'visibility': False, 'limitation': 'Control-Points'}

def main():
        A program to visualize a parametric two-dimensional B-Spline curve of degree n.

    # Input control points {P} in two-dimensional space.
    P = np.array([[1.00,  0.00], 
                  [2.00, -0.75], 
                  [3.00, -2.50], 
                  [3.75, -1.25], 
                  [4.00,  0.75], 
                  [5.00,  1.00]], dtype=np.float32)

    # Initialization of a specific class to work with B-Spline curves.
    S_Cls = B_Spline.B_Spline_Cls(CONST_B_SPLINE['n'], CONST_B_SPLINE['method'], P, 
    # Interpolation of parametric B-Spline curve.
    S = S_Cls.Interpolate()

    # Obtain the arc length L(x) of the general parametric curve.
    L = S_Cls.Get_Arc_Length()

    # Create a figure.
    _, ax = plt.subplots()

    # Visualization of relevant structures.
    ax.plot(P[:, 0], P[:, 1], 'o--', color='#d0d0d0', linewidth=1.0, markersize = 8.0, 
            markeredgewidth = 4.0, markerfacecolor = '#ffffff', label='Control Points')
    ax.plot(S[:, 0], S[:, 1], '.-', color='#ffbf80', linewidth=1.5, markersize = 8.0, 
            markeredgewidth = 2.0, markerfacecolor = '#ffffff', label=f'B-Spline (n = {S_Cls.n}, N = {S_Cls.N}, L = {L:.03})')

    # Show the result.

if __name__ == '__main__':


The library for parametric curves can also be used within the Blender software. See the instructions below for more information.

Bézier Curves

A description of how to run a program to visualize a parametric three-dimensional Bézier curve of degree n.

  1. Open Bezier_Curve.blend from the Blender folder.
  2. Copy and paste the script from the evaluation folder (../
  3. Run it and evaluate the results.
$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Blender/Interpolation
$ ../Collision_Detection/Blender> blender Bezier_Curve.blend

B-Spline Curves

A description of how to run a program to visualize a parametric three-dimensional B-Spline curve of degree n.

  1. Open B_Spline.blend from the Blender folder.
  2. Copy and paste the script from the evaluation folder (../
  3. Run it and evaluate the results.
$ /> cd Documents/GitHub/Parametric_Curves/Blender/Interpolation
$ ../Collision_Detection/Blender> blender B_Spline.blend


Contact Info

Citation (BibTex)

  author = {Roman Parak},
  title = {An open-source parametric curves library useful for robotics applications},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}}




An open-source library for interpolation functions of parametric curves (Bézier, B-Spline) useful for robotics applications.








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