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Getting Started

roncli edited this page Nov 12, 2014 · 4 revisions

There are two ways to include LibWowAPI in your application: using the binaries, or including the source code.

Using the Binaries

The simplest way to include LibWowAPI is by simply including the binaries in your application.

  1. Download the latest binaries.
  2. Unzip the file using your favorite decompression software into any directory you like.
  3. Create a new .Net 4.5.1 project in Visual Studio 2013.
  4. Add a reference in your project to roncliProductions.LibWowAPI.dll and System.Web.

You're done! Start writing your new application.

Including the Source Code

For full control, you can also include the projects in your application's solution.

  1. Checkout the latest source code using git. New to Git?
  2. Unzip each file using your favorite decompression software into their own directories.
  3. Create a new .Net 4.5.1 project in Visual Studio 2013.
  4. Add an existing project to your solution. The project you want to add is LibWowAPI, found at /LibWowAPI/LibWowAPI.vbproj.
  5. Add a reference in your project to the LibWowAPI project, as well as a reference to System.Web.