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Releases: rodionovd/shortcuts

Hola Sierra

23 Sep 05:54
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This major update brings support for macOS 10.12 Sierra and (unfortunately) breaks backwards compatibility with previous macOS revisions. But don't worry: you still can install and use 1.x versions of the utility on older systems 🙌

May the Force be with you

22 Sep 19:49
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  • import --force now actually works, yay!

New tricks for an old dog!

31 Aug 14:16
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I thought why not make this tool a real CRUD app so here are a few aliases for existing commands :shipit:

Alias Same as
read list
create new

Please note that these two original commands (on the right) are deprecated now, so they will be removed in the future. Thanks!

🏎 shortcuts arrived!

21 Aug 14:50
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Add installation section