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Rob Hruska edited this page Feb 21, 2016 · 3 revisions


  • CalendarToSlack needs to run on the same network as your Microsoft Exchange server. It will auto-discover the server and use configured credentials to authenticate/authorize.

Bare Minimum

Runs the app, but doesn't have support for slash commands or custom messages.

Create a Slack application

The application Redirect URI should point to the URL that you're running CalendarToSlack at. CalendarToSlack has an HTTP server that runs on port 40042 to handle OAuth callbacks during Slack Application authorization.

Here's how ours is set up:


Create a config.txt file in %appdata%/CalendarToSlack and add the following contents:

# Credentials used to request data from the discovered Microsoft Exchange Server.

# Slack application identity (for the Slack application you created above).

# Icon to use when posting messages to Slack (optional).
SlackbotPostIconUrl=<icon url>

Build and Run

  • Open Visual Studio
  • Build a Release build
  • Run bin/Release/CalendarToSlack.exe

Visit http://localhost:40042/ to hit the landing page.

Adding support for Custom Messages

TODO. Involves manually adding users' slack API tokens into the database file.

Adding support for slash commands

TODO - Involves either 1) setting up an AWS API Gateway -> Lambda -> SQS pipeline, or 2) code additions that support direct Slack-to-CalendarToSlack API calls.