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Interactive Custom Transitions Demo in Swift

This is an demonstration of a Custom Transitions and Interactive Custom Transitions.

The idea was to illustrate a custom "presentation" transition between the scenes in a navigation controller. The goal was to allow interactive gestures to swipe between three different scenes, A, B, and C underneath the navigation controller to illustrate custom "push" and "pop" transitions between the navigation controller's scenes.

There's also code if you wanted to have a custom transition as the navigation controller, itself. I've placed this in a separate UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate extension, separate from the UINavigationControllerDelegate extension that does the custom transitions between the navigation controller's child scenes. Clearly, if you don't want a custom transition as you initially present the navigation controller, you can remove the UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate extension. Likewise, if you don't need custom transitions between the navigation controller's children, you can comment out the UINavigationControllerDelegate extension.

To implement this, the suggestion was to implement a custom subclass of the navigation controller that would instantiate the custom animation controllers and interaction controllers as necessary:


The heart of this is entirely in the custom navigation controller which:

  • Adds gesture recognizers to its view

  • If the gesture is right to left (i.e. push), this looks to see if the source controller conforms to CustomNavigationControllerDelegate protocol, namely a method pushToNextScene that will initiate the transition to the next scene.

  • If the gesture is left to right, this looks to see if there is more than one view controller in the stack, and if so, initiates a pop. If not, we're at the top level and it initiates a dismiss back to the root.

  • This sets the navigation controller's delegate (so that you can customize transition as you push/pop between the navigation controller's own child view controllers).

  • This sets the navigation controller's transitionDelegate (so that you can customize the transition as you present and dismiss the navigation controller itself).


This is for illustrative purposes only.

Developed in Swift 3 on Xcode 8.3 for iOS 8.1. Theoretically it should work fine in iOS 7.0+. Also, the basic ideas are equally applicable for both Swift and Objective-C.


Copyright © 2014-2017. Robert Ryan. All rights reserved.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


31 October 2014


This illustrates one fairly narrow example of interactive custom transitions in Swift






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