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Releases: robertbuecker/diffractem

HDF5 plugins automatically set

21 Jan 17:46
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A small but important improvement: the automatic indexing scripts created by tools.call_indexamajig now automatically set the HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH variable such that the LZ4 encoding as used by diffractem can be understood.

New workflow and CrystFEL compatibility

08 Jul 13:46
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In this version, the major change is the compatibility with the latest versions of CrystFEL (later than 0.9.1) which support electrons as first-class citizens. The workflow is much cleaner now, as "virtual" data files are now not needed anymore (CrystFEL natively accounts for variable beam centers).
There are also some minor new tweaks and fixes. Note that you'll need the latest example notebooks to go along with this version, as there were breaking changes.

Changed license to LGPL + some more

03 Nov 17:07
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license change, more instructions

Bugfixing, streamlining, refinement

02 Nov 09:19
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Several new functions are included, especially regarding geometry/cell refinement and CrystFEL integration. Tested with the notebooks included in the submitted version of the workflow paper (available at

Probably the last release that keeps the peaks and predictions tables in the Dataset object and supports table-style HDF5 entries.

New analyze_hkl, lots of fixes

13 Aug 07:07
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analyze_hkl is now not required anymore in the Jupyter notebooks


17 Apr 18:06
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Fixes some missing dependencies during installation, and incompatibilities with newer versions of dask.

Now including pre-processing macros

26 Nov 19:16
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version 3 with post-proc macros

pre-process macros introduced

04 Nov 15:16
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Pre-release used for the first resubmission analysis.