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What is it?

AutoReferee-client is a client-side mod that adds an extra layer for viewers of the different e-sport genres in minecraft. It adds different GUI/HUD elements that give statistics about the ongoing game. No more "this player might be close to death because he took a lot of hits but how close, we don't know." Simply because every player's health is rendered above the player! No more questions about the status of the game because there's an easy overview for that too.

And if you have the latest version of the client (and of the server-side plugin), you'll even be able to teleport to various player- or teamspecific locations right from the GUI. Find more information about the mod in our wikis.

You can download the latest version of the mod on the jenkins server or in the releases tab of this repository.

##Server-plugin This client-side mod requires a server-side plugin. Currently there are two plugins out there that are supported by me (the main AutoReferee plugin and the TesseractUHC plugin). But if you're a plugin maker, you can find more information about how to adapt your plugin to be able to work with this mod in our wikis.

Support / Contact

To report an issue/idea/suggestion, message me on reddit or file an issue on github.

Join us for live support at #autoreferee (or #tesseractuhc) on freenode.


This mod has been used in many tournaments by the streamers. Including but not limited to RMCT, Champions of the Map, TesseractUHC and most other (recent) RFW-tournaments.


Client HUD for AutoReferee, a plugin for refereeing competitive Minecraft matches.







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