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Scoring Rules

Robert MacLean edited this page May 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Scoring Rules

Both Score and Clean apply the same rules to determine if an account is of low quality because it is a bot, a fake follower or an abandoned account. The default configuration for the scoring is as follows:

  1. Default Profile Image: +1
  2. No description: +0.3
  3. No favourites: +0.8
  4. Followers less than 20: +0.5
  5. No location: +0.2
  6. More than 10k followers: +0.2
  7. More than 25k followers: +0.7 (stacks with 6)
  8. Less than 10 tweets: +0.3
  9. Zero tweets: +0.5 (stacks with 8)
  10. Tweeted this week: -0.4
  11. Tweeted more than 90 days ago: +0.5
  12. Tweeted more than 365 days ago: +1
  13. Follows more than 5k people: +0.3

These are added up and if they exceed the minimum score then the specific action is taken.

Overriding Scoring Rules

If you want to change the scoring rules or values they can be overridden by creating a file called score.json and changing the values in it. The Init command can help create this file for you and a complete score.json is in our documentation.

Each item in the config is added as follows:

  "Key": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Value": true,
    "Impact": 1.0

Break down:

  • Key refers to a unique key for each setting. Only the keys which you are changing need to be specified but all three of the properties in each key must be specified for all supplied keys.
  • Enabled is true or false to enable the rule.
  • Value is what to use in the compare with the account.
  • Impact is how much of an impact it has on the score.


Here are some examples of making changes

Make it so having the default impact image to be 1 tenth the default

  "DefaultProfileImage": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Value": true,
    "Impact": 0.1

Make it so NOT having the default impact image is bad

  "DefaultProfileImage": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Value": false,
    "Impact": 1.0

Disable the rules for large/corporate accounts

  "FollowersLarge": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Value": 10000,
    "Impact": 0.2
  "FollowersExtraLarge": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Value": 25000,
    "Impact": 0.7
  "FollowingMoreThan": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Value": 5000,
    "Impact": 0.3