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Releases: rlisle/Patriot


06 Feb 11:51
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Many changes over the past year.
The MQTT protocol has been updated to t:patriot/ m:.
Several new plugins to support Curtain and additional ControlEverything ( 12v Photon boards.
Greater flexibility by moving automation logic out of IoT and into the sketches.
Updated Alexa Smarthome controller. This isn't published yet, so will need to install it on your own Alexa developer account.

v3.0 SRAM

05 Jan 20:10
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Utilize Backup SRAM to persist device state across resets.


04 Sep 20:16
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This release adds bridge support from Particle to MQTT.
Moving forward, MQTT will become the primary communication channel, with Particle used for interacting with Alexa and OTA programming of Photon controllers.

Relay bug fix

02 May 12:39
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Correct typo in Relay plugin.

Device Type and Value support

20 Jan 17:35
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Version 2.1 adds support for type() and value() functions.

Device.h defines a DeviceType enum that is used to declare the type of device (eg. DeviceType::Light).
The value() and type() functions are pass the String name of the device, and return an int identifying the current value, enum type, or -1 if error.

This support is needed to improve the Alexa skill, and for implementing the SmartThings device handlers.

Add relay plugins

01 Nov 13:29
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Add plugins for Relay and NCD8Relay.

Version 2

28 Oct 15:50
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This is a big change, and is not backwards compatible. IoTlib and all existing plugins have been updated to version 2.0.0. You will most likely need to update your sketches in addition to IoT and all device plugins.

Controller names are now managed by the Particle cloud, so previous code used to do that has been removed. As a result of that change also, Alive messages are no longer needed, and Alive code has been removed.

The way that behaviors work has changed to be more like commonly used 'scenes'. A behavior can now turn off devices that were set by another behavior. Previously this wasn't possible without turning off the first behavior also. The big effect of this on sketches is that if you want a device that is turned on by a behavior to also turn off when that behavior turns off, then you'll need a second behavior to do so. Refer to the updated examples, particularly the switchAndLED example.

Add NCD 8-Relay support

17 Oct 11:55
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IoT version 1.1.6 minor bug fixes, and publish/subscribe privately.

PatriotLight version 1.0.2 Subscript privately.

PatriotMotorized 1.0.0 supports timed outputs for controlling vents, curtains, etc.

PatriotNCD8Relay 1.0.0 supports the NCD 8-Relay board. Should also work with 1, 2, and 4 relay boards, but that is untested.

Private Pub/Sub

31 May 11:15
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Update all code to use private publish/subscribe and resolve issues.

Add HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Plugin

22 May 12:21
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The PatriotUltrasonic plugin adds device support for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic proximity and ranging device. This device uses an ultrasonic pulse to measure distance to the nearest reflecting surface.

Refer to the ultrasonic example and PatriotUltrasonic documentation.