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NF3RN0 edited this page Jul 3, 2014 · 2 revisions

To get the best performance you should do the following:

RPI setup

  1. Overclock the Pi to its maximum stable speed (use 'sudo raspi-config' )
  2. Run mupen64plus using sudo/root so that it can change its scheduler policy to 'hog' the CPU
  3. Use 128Mb GPU/CPU memory split. The current code doesn't force the kernel to keep pages in ram so if the split is too high, then pages will be swapped and slow emulation down. (Fix coming soon)
  4. Run mupen64plus without the desktop (use Ctrl+Alt+F1; [log in]; sudo telinit 2)


  1. Run with '--nospeedlimit' if you are using the audio-omx plug-in with the master branch (not required with ric_dev branch).


  1. The video-gles2n64 plugin is the fastest so use it if it works with the ROM you want to play.
  2. Modify mupen64plus.cfg as detailed on the Game Compatibility List page


  1. Use HDMI as composite requires more CPU usage.
  2. With HDMI use DEFAULT_MODE=0 so that the audio data will not be copied or resampled.
  3. With Compsite set DEFAULT_MODE to a low frequency e.g. 10000. The higher this is, the more CPU processing will be required. If you get strange sound affects (e.g. aliasing) then increase the frequency.