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Project Description

This project was inspired by AirBnb, it will allow property owners to list multiple properties to rent, and renters to be able to requst to book that property.

Our Team

Mabon Mabon

Ed Ed

Shakira Shakira

Tomisin Tomisin

How To Run

  • You will need
    • A version of ruby
    • A PostgresDB instance
  • Clone the repo git clone
  • run bundle install to install dependencies
  • run rackup to launch the project on http://localhost:9292
  • Follow the instructions in db/migration for SQL queries
  • If you have a password connection to your postgres instance, you will need to set up a .env file with
    • DBUSER
  • This application uses Becrypt for authentication, automatic salts are applied but peppers are also stored in the .env with the name:
    • PEPPER

Our Approach

High level analysis of requirements

MVP v1
- (anyone) Showing listed properties
- (anyone) Adding Properties
- Property has availability Bool

MVP v2
- Renter + Listner Signup
- Renter + Listner Authentication

Features to Add Later

- Lister list a new space
- Lister offer range of dates
- Lister Accept hire request
- Renter request hire
- Renter cannot see a booked property

Breaking down User Stories

As a User
So that I can choose a place to stay
I want to see all the available properties

As a User
So that I can rent out my property
I want add properties to the current listing

As a User
So that I don't book an unavailable property
I want only see available properties
Completed nice to haves
As a User
So that I can return to the website
I want to be able to log in with my sign up details

As a User
So that I can have a profile
I want to sign up to makersbnb


Database CRC cardsDatabase CRC cards

Domain ModelDomain Model

HTTP view and controllerHTTP view and controller

Database set-up

  1. Connect to psql
  2. We need to create two databases, for the database follow the commands in
    Database: db/migrations/database_setup.sql file
    Test_database: db/migrations/test_db/test_database_setup.sql


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Contributors 4
