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Angular Grid

This is readme for Angular grid.

Implementation of Angular grid for displaying data. Absolutely customizable Angular grid. Every part of grid can be customized or replaced with own implementation. Should allow you to create any custom requested feature.


  • Module supports Angular Server Side Rendering
  • Module supports Angular Ahead of Time Compilation
  • Grid is composed of plugins and replecable parts, allows to change implementation of these plugins
  • All components are set to OnPush change detection
  • Supports Angular IVY


To install latest version of this module you just run:

npm install "@anglr/grid" --save


Tutorials and basic description can be found at Homepage


import {Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy} from "@angular/core";
import {GridOptions, SimpleOrdering, BasicPagingOptions, AsyncDataLoaderOptions, DataResponse} from "@anglr/grid";

import {Address, DataService} from "../../../services/api/data";
import {Orderable} from "../../../misc/types";

 * Basic sample for grid component
    selector: 'basic-sample',
    templateUrl: 'basicSample.component.html',
    providers: [DataService],
    changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class BasicSampleComponent
    //######################### public properties - template bindings #########################

     * Grid options that are used for grid initialization
    public gridOptions: GridOptions;

    //######################### constructor #########################
    constructor(private _dataSvc: DataService)
        this.gridOptions =
                    options: <AsyncDataLoaderOptions<Address, SimpleOrdering>>
                        //data callback used for getting data asynchronously
                        dataCallback: this._getData.bind(this)
                    options: <BasicPagingOptions>
                        //available values for items per page buttons
                        itemsPerPageValues: [5, 10, 20],
                        //initial value of items per page, should be one of above
                        initialItemsPerPage: 5

    //######################### private methods #########################

     * Callback used for obtaining data
     * @param page - Index of requested page
     * @param itemsPerPage - Number of items per page
     * @param ordering - Order by column name
    private async _getData(page: number, itemsPerPage: number, ordering: SimpleOrdering): Promise<DataResponse<Address>>
        let reqOrdering: Orderable = null;

            reqOrdering = 
                direction: ordering.orderByDirection,
                sort: ordering.orderBy

        let result = await this._dataSvc
                        page: page,
                        size: itemsPerPage

        return {
            data: result.content,
            totalCount: result.totalElements
<ng-grid [gridOptions]="gridOptions">
        <basic-table-column id="country" name="country" title="Country"></basic-table-column>
        <basic-table-column id="city" name="city" title="City"></basic-table-column>
        <basic-table-column id="zip" name="zip" title="ZIP"></basic-table-column>
        <basic-table-column id="street" name="street" title="Street"></basic-table-column>
        <basic-table-column id="houseNumber" name="houseNumber" title="House Number"></basic-table-column>