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Query examples

Nikhil Purushe edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 4 revisions

Query examples:

Note these examples are based on the following entities:

public class AbstractPerson implements Serializable {

    @Key @Generated
    int id;
    String name;
    String email;
    Date birthday;
    int age;

    Address address;

    MutableResult<Phone> phoneNumbers;

public class AbstractPhone implements Serializable {

    @Key @Generated
    int id;
    String phoneNumber;

    Person owner;

This is a very small set of examples of some basic queries that could be performed on the above: Note that depending on the query type the following types of data can be returned 1) a row count result (integer) 2) A entity object e.g. Person 3) A Tuple which is a result row with values readable by index or key.

Counting the number of people entries in the table:

int count = data.count(Person.class).get().value();

Counting people with a given name:

int count = data.count(Person.class).where(Person.NAME.eq("Bob Jones")).get().value()

Finding a unique set of names for all people:

Finding people over a certain age:;

Finding people between a certain age:, 40)).get();

Finding people whose name is not a given set of names:"Bob Jones", "Alice Jones"))).get()

Finding people with several where clauses anded together:"Bob%"))).get();

Find phone numbers belonging to a particular person:


Result is a powerful container class which you can use to consume the results of query. Below are some of the common operations you can use on this type:

-iterator() returns a java iterator of the result set

-first() retrieves the first element of the query, throwing an exception if none exists

-firstOrNull() retrieves the first element of the query, returning null if none exists

-firstOr(E defaultValue) retrieves the first element of the query, returning the given default value if none exist

-toList() retrieves all the elements of the result as a unmodifiable list

-collect(C collection) retrieves all the elements of the result into the given collection

-observable() converts the query into a RxJava Observable sequence

-stream() converts the query into a Java 8 stream