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Rails Integration (Experimental)

yokolet edited this page Apr 19, 2013 · 19 revisions

Below is a list of steps to configure and use Diametric from inside of Rails.

  1. Create a Rails app using the --skip-active-record option.

     > rails new rails-sample --skip-active-record
  2. Add diametric to your Gemfile

     # Gemfile
     gem 'diametric'
  3. Bundle it up!

     > bundle
  4. Create a config file diametric:config task

    Make sure there's no space between config arguments.

     # For a REST connection
     > bundle exec rake "diametric:config[REST,sample,9000,free]"
     # For a Peer connection
     > rake diametric:config[PEER,sample]

    Download Datomic

    If you haven't downloaded Datomic yet, get it by the command below.

     > bundle exec download-datomic

    Start the Datomic REST service (if using a REST connection)

     > bundle exec datomic-rest -p 9000 -a free -u datomic:mem://
  5. Create some model(s)

    For example, create app/models/post.rb:

    class Post
      include Diametric::Entity
      include Diametric::Persistence::REST
      # include Diametric::Persistence::Peer
      attribute :name, String, :index => true
      attribute :content, String
  6. Create* model schema

     > rake diametric:create_schema

    * Transact in Datomic lingo.

  7. Create controllers and views

     > rails g scaffold post name:string content:text
  8. Start rails, and visit http://localhost:3000/posts


Free Transactor Setup (only on JRuby)

When you want to use Datomic's free transactor to save data to a file:

  1. Start Datomic transactor (see the section "Running the transactor with the free storage protocol")

  2. Delete config/diametric.yml and re-create it

     > bundle exec rake diametric:config[FREE,<your db name>,<port>]

    for example, diametric:config[FREE,sample,4334].

  3. Create config/initializers/diametric.rb

    pathname = Rails.root.join("config", "diametric.yml")
    if pathname.file?
      require 'yaml'
      config = YAML.load(
      uri = config["development"]["uri"]
  4. Start Rails

Known Bugs

[no bug reported at this moment]