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Getting started

Seth Bonnie edited this page Jul 2, 2014 · 6 revisions

The best way to get going with Rebar is to use it to construct and build a simple Erlang application.

First Steps

Let's create the directory for our application:

$ mkdir myapp
$ cd myapp

Now download the rebar binary and make it available somewhere on your shell's PATH (/usr/local/bin, etc):

$ wget && chmod u+x rebar
$ mv rebar <some-dir-on-PATH>

Run rebar -c command, you should see the list of commands supported by your rebar installation:

$ rebar -c
clean    Clean
compile  Compile sources

A detailed description of a command can be obtained by running rebar help <rebar-command> shell command:

$ rebar help clean
==> help clean
=== rebar_cleaner:clean ===
Delete list of files.

Creating our first rebar project

Now we can use rebar's template system to create the skeleton of our application:

$ rebar create-app appid=myapp

The result of this command would be a single sub-directory src/ which should contain three files:

  • - The OTP application specification
  • myapp_app.erl - An implementation of the OTP Application behaviour
  • myapp_sup.erl - An implementation of the OTP Supervisor behaviour (top level supervisor of the application)

Building the project

Compile the application with:

$ rebar compile

A new directory ebin/ should now exist and contain the .beam files corresponding to the Erlang source files in the src/ directory. In addition, note the presence of the ebin/ file. Rebar has dynamically generated a proper OTP application specification using the src/ file as a template by adding information about all compiled Erlang modules of the application into the file's modules section.

To cleanup the project after a compilation run simply do:

$ rebar clean


Rebar provides support for both EUnit and Common Test testing frameworks out of the box. In this example, we'll use EUnit and write a simple unit test for our application.

Add the following code into the src/myapp_app.erl file, right after the -export(...) directive:


and add the following block of code at the very end of of the file:


simple_test() ->
    ok = application:start(myapp),
    ?assertNot(undefined == whereis(myapp_sup)).


By wrapping the test code with that ifdef directive, we can be sure that our test code won't be shipped as a part of the compiled production code in the ebin/ folder.

Let's run the unit test now:

$ rebar compile eunit

You should see output like this:

==> myapp (compile)
Compiled src/myapp_app.erl
==> myapp (eunit)
Compiled src/myapp_app.erl
  Test passed

You may have noticed that Rebar compiled myapp_app.erl file twice. First compilation was done by the handler of the compile command. The second one was done by the handler of the eunit command which compiled all source code with debug information included and put the generated .beam files into a separate directory, .eunit/, in order not to clobber the ebin/ one.

Checking code coverage statistics

If we want to check how our unit tests fare on the code coverage front, we can easily find out by adding the following line to the project's rebar.config file:

{cover_enabled, true}.

and running our unit tests again:

$ rebar compile eunit
==> myapp (compile)
==> myapp (eunit)
  Test passed.
Cover analysis: /Users/dizzyd/tmp/myapp/.eunit/index.html

You can now check results of the code coverage analysis by opening the .eunit/index.html file.