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@javivelasco javivelasco released this 29 Nov 19:16
· 1456 commits to dev since this release

This release includes changes in React Toolbox file structure adopting a new convention. Fixes #98 . Now index.js files inside each component's folder is only importing components and subcomponents instead of holding implementation. There is a match between files and components so each file is named the same as the component meaning that now you can import them directly: import Button from 'react-toolbox/lib/button/Button'.

New Components

  • We have a brand new Card component! way more flexible than it used to be. You can compose your own Cards by aggregating subcomponents such as CardTitle, CardMedia, CardActions or CardText. Fixes #115 and #95 (Thanks @nathanmarks!)
  • New Avatar component. You can either define an Image, a FontIcon, custom SVG icon or simply a letter as avatar. Internally they are only used in the Card component but soon they will be available in other components like List.
  • We extracted an IconButton from the regular Button component and removed the toggle property. The API is the same as for the button but more limited since you can't have raised IconButton. Fixes #149

Breaking changes

  • Since now we have an IconButton, the Button with toggle property is deprecated.
  • Now there are no loading cards or buttons since they are not in Google Spec. Fixes #152
  • Tooltip component now works as a decorator. This means you no longer have the tooltip properties available in Input and Button components among others. Instead you can decorate any component with the Tooltip and get a new component with Tooltip's properties. Check the docs for more info.
  • Now all input components pass the new value in the onChange callback. In previous versions Checkbox, Switch, Input and others were giving the event straight into the callback. Now they are passing the new value.
  • We left Material Design Icons out of the css import. It's not a good practice to include vendor imports in our stylesheet so we removed them. Now you have to import the font via Google Fonts as specified here. You can still use the FontIcon but remember to import the font. The name of the icon in the component should correspond to the imported icon:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  • For the same reason, Roboto font import was removed too. You'd need to add an import for the font in a similar way to the font icon. Remember the font-weights we use: 300, 400, 500, 700.
<link href=",400,500,700" rel="stylesheet">


  • Now TimePicker has a label in a similar way that DatePicker. Fixes #117
  • Button is not stopping the events anymore. Fixes #173