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Version v1.63.0
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ncw committed Jun 30, 2023
1 parent 42c211c commit e90537b
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Showing 47 changed files with 11,353 additions and 4,695 deletions.
3,146 changes: 2,162 additions & 984 deletions MANUAL.html

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3,211 changes: 2,285 additions & 926 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

3,307 changes: 2,368 additions & 939 deletions MANUAL.txt

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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions docs/content/
Expand Up @@ -792,6 +792,24 @@ Properties:
- "container"
- Allow full public read access for container and blob data.

#### --azureblob-directory-markers

Upload an empty object with a trailing slash when a new directory is created

Empty folders are unsupported for bucket based remotes, this option
creates an empty object ending with "/", to persist the folder.

This object also has the metadata "hdi_isfolder = true" to conform to
the Microsoft standard.


- Config: directory_markers
- Type: bool
- Default: false

#### --azureblob-no-check-container

If set, don't attempt to check the container exists or create it.
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171 changes: 171 additions & 0 deletions docs/content/
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,177 @@ description: "Rclone Changelog"

# Changelog

## v1.63.0 - 2023-06-30

[See commits](

* New backends
* [Pikpak](/pikpak/) (wiserain)
* New S3 providers
* [](/s3/#petabox) (Andrei Smirnov)
* [Google Cloud Storage](/s3/#google-cloud-storage) (Anthony Pessy)
* New WebDAV providers
* [Fastmail](/webdav/#fastmail-files) (Arnavion)
* Major changes
* Files will be copied to a temporary name ending in `.partial` when copying to `local`,`ftp`,`sftp` then renamed at the end of the transfer. (Janne Hellsten, Nick Craig-Wood)
* This helps with data integrity as we don't delete the existing file until the new one is complete.
* It can be disabled with the [--inplace](/docs/#inplace) flag.
* This behaviour will also happen if the backend is wrapped, for example `sftp` wrapped with `crypt`.
* The [s3](/s3/#s3-directory-markers), [azureblob](/azureblob/#azureblob-directory-markers) and [gcs](/googlecloudstorage/#gcs-directory-markers) backends now support directory markers so empty directories are supported (Jānis Bebrītis, Nick Craig-Wood)
* The [--default-time](/docs/#default-time-time) flag now controls the unknown modification time of files/dirs (Nick Craig-Wood)
* If a file or directory does not have a modification time rclone can read then rclone will display this fixed time instead.
* For the old behaviour use `--default-time 0s` which will set this time to the time rclone started up.
* New Features
* build
* Modernise linters in use and fixup all affected code (albertony)
* Push docker beta to GHCR (GitHub container registry) (Richard Tweed)
* cat: Add `--separator` option to cat command (Loren Gordon)
* config
* Do not remove/overwrite other files during config file save (albertony)
* Do not overwrite config file symbolic link (albertony)
* Stop `config create` making invalid config files (Nick Craig-Wood)
* doc updates (Adam K, Aditya Basu, albertony, asdffdsazqqq, Damo, danielkrajnik, Dimitri Papadopoulos, dlitster, Drew Parsons, jumbi77, kapitainsky, mac-15, Mariusz Suchodolski, Nick Craig-Wood, NickIAm, Rintze Zelle, Stanislav Gromov, Tareq Sharafy, URenko, yuudi, Zach Kipp)
* fs
* Add `size` to JSON logs when moving or copying an object (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Allow boolean features to be enabled with `--disable !Feature` (Nick Craig-Wood)
* genautocomplete: Rename to `completion` with alias to the old name (Nick Craig-Wood)
* librclone: Added example on using `librclone` with Go (alankrit)
* lsjson: Make `--stat` more efficient (Nick Craig-Wood)
* operations
* Implement `--multi-thread-write-buffer-size` for speed improvements on downloads (Paulo Schreiner)
* Reopen downloads on error when using `check --download` and `cat` (Nick Craig-Wood)
* rc: `config/listremotes` includes remotes defined with environment variables (kapitainsky)
* selfupdate: Obey `--no-check-certificate` flag (Nick Craig-Wood)
* serve restic: Trigger systemd notify (Shyim)
* serve webdav: Implement owncloud checksum and modtime extensions (WeidiDeng)
* sync: `--suffix-keep-extension` preserve 2 part extensions like .tar.gz (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Bug Fixes
* accounting
* Fix Prometheus metrics to be the same as `core/stats` (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Bwlimit signal handler should always start (Sam Lai)
* bisync: Fix `maxDelete` parameter being ignored via the rc (Nick Craig-Wood)
* cmd/ncdu: Fix screen corruption when logging (eNV25)
* filter: Fix deadlock with errors on `--files-from` (douchen)
* fs
* Fix interaction between `--progress` and `--interactive` (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix infinite recursive call in pacer ModifyCalculator (fixes issue reported by the staticcheck linter) (albertony)
* lib/atexit: Ensure OnError only calls cancel function once (Nick Craig-Wood)
* lib/rest: Fix problems re-using HTTP connections (Nick Craig-Wood)
* rc
* Fix `operations/stat` with trailing `/` (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix missing `--rc` flags (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix output of Time values in `options/get` (Nick Craig-Wood)
* serve dlna: Fix potential data race (Nick Craig-Wood)
* version: Fix reported os/kernel version for windows (albertony)
* Mount
* Add `--mount-case-insensitive` to force the mount to be case insensitive (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Removed unnecessary byte slice allocation for reads (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
* Clarify rclone mount error when installed via homebrew (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Added _netdev to the example mount so it gets treated as a remote-fs rather than local-fs (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
* Mount2
* Updated go-fuse version (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
* Fixed statfs (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
* Disable xattrs (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
* Add MkdirAll function to make a directory and all beneath (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix reload: failed to add virtual dir entry: file does not exist (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix writing to a read only directory creating spurious directory entries (WeidiDeng)
* Fix potential data race (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix backends being Shutdown too early when startup takes a long time (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Local
* Fix filtering of symlinks with `-l`/`--links` flag (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix /path/to/file.rclonelink when `-l`/`--links` is in use (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix crash with `--metadata` on Android (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Cache
* Fix backends shutting down when in use when used via the rc (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Crypt
* Add `--crypt-suffix` option to set a custom suffix for encrypted files (jladbrook)
* Add `--crypt-pass-bad-blocks` to allow corrupted file output (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix reading 0 length files (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Try not to return "unexpected EOF" error (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Reduce allocations (albertony)
* Recommend Dropbox for `base32768` encoding (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Azure Blob
* Empty directory markers (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Support azure workload identities (Tareq Sharafy)
* Fix azure blob uploads with multiple bits of metadata (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix azurite compatibility by sending nil tier if set to empty string (Roel Arents)
* Combine
* Implement missing methods (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix goroutine stack overflow on bad object (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Drive
* Add `--drive-env-auth` to get IAM credentials from runtime (Peter Brunner)
* Update drive service account guide (Juang, Yi-Lin)
* Fix change notify picking up files outside the root (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix trailing slash mis-identificaton of folder as file (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix incorrect remote after Update on object (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Dropbox
* Implement `--dropbox-pacer-min-sleep` flag (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix the dropbox batcher stalling (Misty)
* Fichier
* Add `--ficicher-cdn` option to use the CDN for download (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Lower log message priority when `SetModTime` is not supported to debug (Tobias Gion)
* Fix "unsupported LIST line" errors on startup (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix "501 Not a valid pathname." errors when creating directories (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Google Cloud Storage
* Empty directory markers (Jānis Bebrītis, Nick Craig-Wood)
* Added `--gcs-user-project` needed for requester pays (Christopher Merry)
* Add client certificate user auth middleware. This can auth `serve restic` from the username in the client cert. (Peter Fern)
* Jottacloud
* Fix vfs writeback stuck in a failed upload loop with file versioning disabled (albertony)
* Onedrive
* Add `--onedrive-av-override` flag to download files flagged as virus (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix quickxorhash on 32 bit architectures (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Report any list errors during `rclone cleanup` (albertony)
* Putio
* Fix uploading to the wrong object on Update with overriden remote name (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix modification times not being preserved for server side copy and move (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix server side copy failures (400 errors) (Nick Craig-Wood)
* S3
* Empty directory markers (Jānis Bebrītis, Nick Craig-Wood)
* Update Scaleway storage classes (Brian Starkey)
* Fix `--s3-versions` on individual objects (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix hang on aborting multpart upload with iDrive e2 (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix missing "tier" metadata (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix V3sign: add missing subresource delete (cc)
* Fix Arvancloud Domain and region changes and alphabetise the provider (Ehsan Tadayon)
* Fix Qiniu KODO quirks virtualHostStyle is false (zzq)
* Add `--sftp-host-key-algorithms ` to allow specifying SSH host key algorithms (Joel)
* Fix using `--sftp-key-use-agent` and `--sftp-key-file` together needing private key file (Arnav Singh)
* Fix move to allow overwriting existing files (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Don't stat directories before listing them (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Don't check remote points to a file if it ends with / (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Sharefile
* Disable streamed transfers as they no longer work (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Smb
* Code cleanup to avoid overwriting ctx before first use (fixes issue reported by the staticcheck linter) (albertony)
* Storj
* Fix "uplink: too many requests" errors when uploading to the same file (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix uploading to the wrong object on Update with overriden remote name (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Swift
* Ignore 404 error when deleting an object (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Union
* Implement missing methods (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Allow errors to be unwrapped for inspection (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Uptobox
* Add `--uptobox-private` flag to make all uploaded files private (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix improper regex (Aaron Gokaslan)
* Fix Update returning the wrong object (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fix rmdir declaring that directories weren't empty (Nick Craig-Wood)
* WebDAV
* nextcloud: Add support for chunked uploads (Paul)
* Set modtime using propset for owncloud and nextcloud (WeidiDeng)
* Make pacer minSleep configurable with `--webdav-pacer-min-sleep` (ed)
* Fix server side copy/move not overwriting (WeidiDeng)
* Fix modtime on server side copy for owncloud and nextcloud (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Yandex
* Fix 400 Bad Request on transfer failure (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Zoho
* Fix downloads with `Range:` header returning the wrong data (Nick Craig-Wood)

## v1.62.2 - 2023-03-16

[See commits](
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions docs/content/commands/
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ See the [global flags page](/flags/) for global options not listed here.
* [rclone check](/commands/rclone_check/) - Checks the files in the source and destination match.
* [rclone checksum](/commands/rclone_checksum/) - Checks the files in the source against a SUM file.
* [rclone cleanup](/commands/rclone_cleanup/) - Clean up the remote if possible.
* [rclone completion](/commands/rclone_completion/) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
* [rclone completion](/commands/rclone_completion/) - Output completion script for a given shell.
* [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session.
* [rclone copy](/commands/rclone_copy/) - Copy files from source to dest, skipping identical files.
* [rclone copyto](/commands/rclone_copyto/) - Copy files from source to dest, skipping identical files.
Expand All @@ -52,11 +52,10 @@ See the [global flags page](/flags/) for global options not listed here.
* [rclone dedupe](/commands/rclone_dedupe/) - Interactively find duplicate filenames and delete/rename them.
* [rclone delete](/commands/rclone_delete/) - Remove the files in path.
* [rclone deletefile](/commands/rclone_deletefile/) - Remove a single file from remote.
* [rclone genautocomplete](/commands/rclone_genautocomplete/) - Output completion script for a given shell.
* [rclone gendocs](/commands/rclone_gendocs/) - Output markdown docs for rclone to the directory supplied.
* [rclone hashsum](/commands/rclone_hashsum/) - Produces a hashsum file for all the objects in the path.
* [rclone link](/commands/rclone_link/) - Generate public link to file/folder.
* [rclone listremotes](/commands/rclone_listremotes/) - List all the remotes in the config file.
* [rclone listremotes](/commands/rclone_listremotes/) - List all the remotes in the config file and defined in environment variables.
* [rclone ls](/commands/rclone_ls/) - List the objects in the path with size and path.
* [rclone lsd](/commands/rclone_lsd/) - List all directories/containers/buckets in the path.
* [rclone lsf](/commands/rclone_lsf/) - List directories and objects in remote:path formatted for parsing.
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions docs/content/commands/
Expand Up @@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ you what happened to it. These are reminiscent of diff files.
- `* path` means path was present in source and destination but different.
- `! path` means there was an error reading or hashing the source or dest.

The default number of parallel checks is N=8. See the [--checkers=N](/docs/#checkers-n) option
for more information.
The default number of parallel checks is 8. See the [--checkers=N](/docs/#checkers-n)
option for more information.

rclone check source:path dest:path [flags]
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/content/commands/
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ you what happened to it. These are reminiscent of diff files.
- `* path` means path was present in source and destination but different.
- `! path` means there was an error reading or hashing the source or dest.

The default number of parallel checks is 8. See the [--checkers=N](/docs/#checkers-n)
option for more information.

rclone checksum <hash> sumfile src:path [flags]
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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
title: "rclone completion"
description: "Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell"
description: "Output completion script for a given shell."
slug: rclone_completion
url: /commands/rclone_completion/
versionIntroduced: v1.33
# autogenerated - DO NOT EDIT, instead edit the source code in cmd/completion/ and as part of making a release run "make commanddocs"
# rclone completion

Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
Output completion script for a given shell.

## Synopsis

Generate the autocompletion script for rclone for the specified shell.
See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.

Generates a shell completion script for rclone.
Run with `--help` to list the supported shells.

## Options
Expand All @@ -26,8 +28,7 @@ See the [global flags page](/flags/) for global options not listed here.

* [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends.
* [rclone completion bash](/commands/rclone_completion_bash/) - Generate the autocompletion script for bash
* [rclone completion fish](/commands/rclone_completion_fish/) - Generate the autocompletion script for fish
* [rclone completion powershell](/commands/rclone_completion_powershell/) - Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
* [rclone completion zsh](/commands/rclone_completion_zsh/) - Generate the autocompletion script for zsh
* [rclone completion bash](/commands/rclone_completion_bash/) - Output bash completion script for rclone.
* [rclone completion fish](/commands/rclone_completion_fish/) - Output fish completion script for rclone.
* [rclone completion zsh](/commands/rclone_completion_zsh/) - Output zsh completion script for rclone.

34 changes: 15 additions & 19 deletions docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,52 +1,48 @@
title: "rclone completion bash"
description: "Generate the autocompletion script for bash"
description: "Output bash completion script for rclone."
slug: rclone_completion_bash
url: /commands/rclone_completion_bash/
# autogenerated - DO NOT EDIT, instead edit the source code in cmd/completion/bash/ and as part of making a release run "make commanddocs"
# rclone completion bash

Generate the autocompletion script for bash
Output bash completion script for rclone.

## Synopsis

Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package.
If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager.
Generates a bash shell autocompletion script for rclone.

To load completions in your current shell session:
This writes to /etc/bash_completion.d/rclone by default so will
probably need to be run with sudo or as root, e.g.

source <(rclone completion bash)
sudo rclone genautocomplete bash

To load completions for every new session, execute once:
Logout and login again to use the autocompletion scripts, or source
them directly

### Linux:
. /etc/bash_completion

rclone completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/rclone
If you supply a command line argument the script will be written

### macOS:

rclone completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/rclone

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
If output_file is "-", then the output will be written to stdout.

rclone completion bash
rclone completion bash [output_file] [flags]

## Options

-h, --help help for bash
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
-h, --help help for bash

See the [global flags page](/flags/) for global options not listed here.


* [rclone completion](/commands/rclone_completion/) - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
* [rclone completion](/commands/rclone_completion/) - Output completion script for a given shell.

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