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Docker setup

  1. Create the .env mv .env.sample .env
  2. Add the environmental variables
  3. Run
docker-compose up
docker-compose up -d #run in background
docker-compose down # remove
docker-compose stop # stop
docker-compose start # start stopped services
docker-compose run [service name] # run a single serivce in docker-compose manifest
docker-compose run web-cli # to ssh into the container
docker-compose build # Build the docker image
docker logs -f [container id] # to view logs


Change the docker CMD to following CMD ["npm", "run" ,"start"]

Build the image

You have to manually add the user before running the image

docker build . -t [repo-name]/[image-name]:[version]
docker run -it -p [host-port]:[container-port] [image-name] [cmd]

Medium Article