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###Parallel Modular Framework

Selenium Modular Framework with Parallel execution support using Testng. It also support the execution in grid enviroment. User need to setup node and hub manually and specify the details inside the xml file. Refer to the below example

The framework has following features

  1. Modular Design
  2. Maven based framework
  3. Log4j enabled for logging
  4. Report Generation (Excel & Extent reports)
  5. Helper class to handle web component such as (Button,Link etc)
  6. Centralized Configuration (Using Properties file)
  7. POM
  8. Support reading the data form Excel and Database.
  9. Parallel Execution
  10. Grid Support

###Here is the basic code:

Extend your test class with TestCaseBase class, all the object to handle the web component will be available.

try {
			button = new ButtonHelper(dDriver);
			alert = new AlertHelper(dDriver);
			javaScript = new JavaScriptHelper(dDriver);
			browser = new BrowserHelper(dDriver);
			chkBox = new CheckBoxOrRadioButtonHelper(dDriver);
			wait = new WaitHelper(dDriver, rReader);
			dropDown = new DropDownHelper(dDriver);
			link = new LinkHelper(dDriver);
			navigate = new NavigationHelper(dDriver);
			txtBox = new TextBoxHelper(dDriver);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw e;

Use the object directly to interact with web component

package com.modular.parallel;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import com.modular.parallel.helper.TestCaseBase;

 * @author rahul.rathore
 *	07-Aug-2016
public class TestDropDown extends TestCaseBase {
	public void linkHelperTest() throws Exception {
		wait.elementExistAndVisible(By.partialLinkText("Business"), getConfigReader().getExplicitWait(), 250);
		Assert.assertEquals(getDriver().getTitle(), "Group Plans | Pluralsight");

Use the testng.xml file to run the test cases sequentially or parallely

<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5">
			class-name="com.modular.parallel.listeners.reportlistener.ExcelReportListener" />
			class-name="com.modular.parallel.listeners.reportlistener.ExtentReportListener" />
	<test name="Test - 1">
			<class name="com.modular.parallel.TestDropDown" />
	<test name="Test - 2">
			<class name="com.modular.parallel.TestDropDown" />

Use the gridtestng.xml file to run the test cases on grid. User need to setup the node and hub manually and sepcify the details in gridtestng.xml

<suite name="Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5">
			class-name="com.modular.parallel.listeners.reportlistener.ExcelReportListener" />
			class-name="com.modular.parallel.listeners.reportlistener.ExtentReportListener" />
	<test name="Test - 1">
		<parameter name="hubUrl" value="" />
		<parameter name="browser" value="Chrome"></parameter>
			<class name="com.modular.parallel.TestDropDown" />
	<test name="Test - 2">
		<parameter name="hubUrl" value="" />
		<parameter name="browser" value="Firefox"></parameter>
			<class name="com.modular.parallel.TestDropDown" />

To see this whole thing running simply checkout this project and run this command:

mvn clean generate-sources test