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Drupal 9 starting template for Cloudways hosting:

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This is work in progress. The code works and is usable, but needs a few manual steps during setup time.

Feel free to test and contribute. The rsync from GitHub Actions to Cloudways needs to be revisited.

Key points


Cloudways setup

  • Register an account on Cloudways (referral, thank you)
  • Create a new server
    • APPLICATION & SERVER DETAIL: Custom App (even for Drupal)
    • Name your management app: Pick a good "machine name", this will become CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME.
    • Name yout server: This is up to you.
    • DigitalOcean / 2GB / Frankfurt is good cheap start for small site targeting EU users.
    • // Wait for the server to build.
    • Master Credentials: Add your main SSH key.
    • Settings & Packages - Set up your environment.
      • Note MAX INPUT VARIABLES - this might be limiting for permissions pages in Drupal.
      • Set correct time zone.
      • Set MySQL ENCODING to UTF-8.
      • Set desired PHP version.
      • Set correct time zone.
      • Set correct time zone.
    • Backups: Configure your backup rotation. I would recommend enabling Local Backups if your apps are not big.
    • SMTP: I recommend Elastic Email Add-on: (Basic subscription includes 1000 Emails for $0.10 / Month)
  • Set up the application.
    • Add new app or edit the first one that was created with your new server.
      • Note the Public IP. Now is a good time to point a domain to the IP. That's outside the scope of this how-to.
      • Add new Username and password. This will be used for deployments.
        • Username: CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME
        • Password: Strong password.
    • Domain Management: Add the primary domain and secondary domains. (www.*)
    • SSL Certificate: SSL is handled by Let's Encrypt and verified trough DNS. You can enable it now.
    • Deployment via Git: Don't use this feature. It's missing features required for deploying Drupal. (at the time of writing)
    • Application Settings
      • FOLDER: change this to CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME
      • WEBROOT: change this to public_html/docroot (fill in only docroot)
      • SSH ACCESS : Enable



  • Check you can SSH into the APP's account: ssh CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME@CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-DOMAIN using the per-app password.
    • This should just work. If it does not, double-check the Cloudways setup again.
  • Create new SSH key pair without a password in some temporary folder.
✔ rk:~> mkdir -p /tmp/cloudways-ssh
✔ rk:~> cd /tmp/cloudways-ssh/
✔ rk:/tmp/cloudways-ssh> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/radimklaska/.ssh/id_rsa): /tmp/cloudways-ssh/id_rsa
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /tmp/cloudways-ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /tmp/cloudways-ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:w*******H+E**************************O/u**o CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|         .. +=B.o|
|     +  ..oo.* B |
|    . + .=.o..B  |
|       +o o.o. . |
|     . R.K. Iz . |
|        = o Da ..|
|       o .Best.o=|
|          .E= *.+|
|          .+LoL. |
✔ rk:/tmp/cloudways-ssh> ll
total 24
drwxrwxr-x  2 radimklaska radimklaska  4096 dub 11 18:56 ./
drwxrwxrwt 52 root        root        12288 dub 11 18:54 ../
-rw-------  1 radimklaska radimklaska  3381 dub 11 18:56 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--  1 radimklaska radimklaska   739 dub 11 18:56
  • Save those in your password manager.
  • Go to Cloudways, manage your App. Under Access Details there is a SSH KEYS button next to the APPLICATION CREDENTIALS that was adedd.
    • Add the public key (content there.

GitHub Secrets

On add following repository secrets:

  • DeployCloudwaysPrivateKey: Content of id_rsa
  • DeployCloudwaysUsername == CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME
  • DeployCloudwaysHostname == CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-DOMAIN
  • DeployCloudwaysPath:
    • something like /home/
    • SSH into ssh CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME@CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-DOMAIN and run pwd to get the path:
      abcdef@123456 ~/public_html $ pwd
      abcdef@123456 ~/public_html $


Search and replace

  • CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-DOMAIN: this is bare domain, like
  • CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME: this should be very simple name, avoid spaecial characters, like actual-name
find ./ -type f \( -iname \*.yml -o -iname \*.sh -o -iname \*.md -o -iname \*.json \) -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -e 's/CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-DOMAIN/' &&
find ./ -type f \( -iname \*.yml -o -iname \*.sh -o -iname \*.md -o -iname \*.json \) -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -e 's/CLOUDWAYS-PROJECT-NAME/actual-name/g'

ToDo: First push will probably throw some errors. Missing folders etc. This needs to be fixed manually atm. More docs to come. Hopefully more automation too.


  • Set up your cron in the App settings under Cron Job Management.