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Releases: r-lib/coro

coro 1.0.4

11 Mar 11:49
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  • Internal fix for R-devel.

coro 1.0.3

20 Jul 08:37
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  • coro::as_iterator() method added for reticulate Python objects,
    enabling usage like: coro::loop(for (elem in my_py_object) ...)
    (#37, @t-kalinowski).

coro 1.0.2

03 Dec 15:34
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  • The exhaustion sentinel is now as.symbol(".__exhausted__.")
    instead of as.symbol("exhausted") to reduce the risk of
    collisions. It is also recommended to never store the exhaustion
    sentinel in an environment or list, and instead use it as a
    temporary value to further reduce the risk of collisions (#35).

  • Fixed a leak that occurred via JIT caching (#36).

coro 1.0.1

17 Dec 20:58
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  • collect() now preserves lists and data frames (#32).

coro 1.0.0

09 Dec 12:04
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This is the first public version of coro.

  • Python iterators created with the reticulate package can now be
    composed with coro generators. They can also be used with loop()
    and collect().

  • iterate() has been renamed to loop() to avoid name clash and
    semantic conflict with reticulate::iterate().

  • collect() calls as_iterator() on its input.

  • as_iterator() is now a generic function (#28).

  • Generators and async functions now support on.exit()
    expressions. They also support exit expressions installed with
    functions like withr::local_options(). This requires R >= 3.5.

  • Generator arguments are forced on reentry in the approriate context
    (e.g. in the tryCatch() context if generator was yielded from a
    tryCatch()). This makes it possible to clean up cancelled
    generators (by jumping from the generator with a restart) or
    propagate errors in async functions.

  • Generators and async functions now support yielding within
    tryCatch() expressions.

  • Generators and async functions are now disabled when an unexpected
    exit occurs (error, interrupt, restart invokation, debugger exit,
    etc.). Reentering the generator is an error.

  • Generators and async functions now support stepping with
    browser(). Set options(coro_debug = TRUE) for browsing all
    functions created with coro. Use coro_debug() for browsing
    specific functions.

  • generator() now accepts functions of one argument. The first time
    a generator is called the argument is defined in the suspendable
    function. On subsequent invokations, the argument is returned from

  • generator() now creates generator factories. It takes a function
    template and returns a function that creates generator functions
    from this template. This is consistent with languages like
    Javascript and Python.

  • The async() function operator creates functions for cooperative
    concurrency using the later and promises framework.

    async_generator() creates iterable functions that are also

  • The iterator abstraction has been removed from coro. It is
    replaced with the following protocol:

    • An iterator is a function. You advance it and get a new value by
      calling it.
    • An iterator signals exhaustion by returning exhausted() (or
      equivalently, the quote(exhausted) symbol).
  • Exhausted generators no longer throw when called again. Instead,
    they return the exhausted() sentinel (#6).

  • Fixed top-level break statements in loops (#7).

flowery 0.0.1

17 Apr 08:32
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Initial release.