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Fork Clone and Checkout

David Kinder edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 3 revisions

Fork the PyTorch repository to your Github account and create a local clone.

  1. Go to
  2. Press Fork on the top right.
  3. When asked where to fork the repository, choose to fork it to your username.
  4. Your fork will be created at<username>/pytorch.
  5. Clone your GitHub fork (replace <username> with your username):
    git clone<username>/pytorch.git
    cd pytorch
  6. (optional) Add an upstream remote to stay in sync with the main repo.
    git remote add upstream
    git remote -v
    You should see these remote branches being tracked:
    origin<username>/pytorch.git (fetch)
    origin<username>/pytorch.git (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

Remember to always push changes to origin (your fork)!

(optional) Nightly Checkout & Pull for Python-only development

The tools/ script is provided to allow Python-only development of PyTorch. Choose this if you aren't changing or compiling C++ code. This uses conda and git to check out the nightly development version of PyTorch and installs pre-built binaries into the current repository.

You can use this script to check out a new nightly branch with the following:

cd pytorch
./tools/ checkout -b my-nightly-branch
conda activate pytorch-deps

Or if you would like to re-use an existing conda environment, you can pass in the regular environment parameters (--name or --prefix):

./tools/ checkout -b my-nightly-branch -n my-env
conda activate my-env

You can also use this tool to pull the nightly commits into the current branch:

./tools/ pull -n my-env
conda activate my-env

Pulling will reinstall the PyTorch dependencies as well as the nightly binaries into the repo directory.

Next Steps

Clone this wiki locally