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botogram 0.3.1

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@pietroalbini pietroalbini released this 14 Jun 14:54
· 163 commits to master since this release

botogram 0.3.1 is the third alpha release of botogram.

botogram 0.3.1 is the third alpha release of botogram. It reaches almost feature parity with the upstream Telegram API (except for keyboards and inlines), including the new features in the Bot API 2.0 and 2.1 updates, such as moderating group chats or editing messages.

Performance are improved, with a faster updates fetching process, and a bug was fixed in this release. There are also a few deprecations to keep the API clean. All the deprecated features in this release will be removed in botogram 1.0, so you have plenty of time to switch to the new ones.

You can check out all the changes in the changelog.

If you want to install botogram 0.3 you can execute the following command:

# Linux and macOS:
$ python3 -m pip install -U "botogram==0.3.1"

# Windows:
C:\> py -3 -m pip install -U "botogram==0.3.1"

botogram 0.3.1 is an alpha release of botogram, and it might have bugs here and there. Be sure to report them in the issue tracker, so they can get fixed in the next release.