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Releases: pytest-dev/pytest-bdd

Release 6.1.1

09 Nov 16:51
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Release 6.0.0

05 Jul 08:03
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This release introduces breaking changes in order to be more in line with the official gherkin specification.

  • Cleanup of the documentation and tests related to parametrization (elchupanebrej) #469
  • Removed feature level examples for the gherkin compatibility (olegpidsadnyi) #490
  • Removed vertical examples for the gherkin compatibility (olegpidsadnyi) #492
  • Step arguments are no longer fixtures (olegpidsadnyi) #493
  • Drop support of python 3.6, pytest 4 (elchupanebrej) #495 #504
  • Step definitions can have "yield" statements again (4.0 release broke it). They will be executed as normal fixtures: code after the yield is executed during teardown of the test. (youtux) #503
  • Scenario outlines unused example parameter validation is removed (olegpidsadnyi) #499
  • Add type annotations (youtux) #505
  • pytest_bdd.parsers.StepParser now is an Abstract Base Class. Subclasses must make sure to implement the abstract methods. (youtux) #505
  • Angular brackets in step definitions are only parsed in "Scenario Outline" (previously they were parsed also in normal "Scenario"s) (youtux) #524.

Release 5.0.0

25 Oct 16:13
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  • Rewrite the logic to parse Examples for Scenario Outlines. Now the substitution of the examples is done during the parsing of Gherkin feature files. You won't need to define the steps twice like @given("there are <start> cucumbers") and @given(parsers.parse("there are {start} cucumbers")). The latter will be enough.
  • Removed example_converters from scenario(...) signature. You should now use just the converters parameter for given, when, then.
  • Removed --cucumberjson-expanded and --cucumber-json-expanded options. Now the JSON report is always expanded.
  • Removed --gherkin-terminal-reporter-expanded option. Now the terminal report is always expanded.