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Python project template generator with batteries included


  1. pyscaffold pyscaffold Public

    🛠 Python project template generator with batteries included

    Python 2k 177

  2. pyscaffoldext-dsproject pyscaffoldext-dsproject Public

    💫 PyScaffold extension for data-science projects

    Python 152 23

  3. configupdater configupdater Public

    🌴 Parser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files

    Python 64 9

  4. border-patrol border-patrol Public

    👮 Logs all imported packages and their versions

    Python 12 2

  5. pyscaffoldext-markdown pyscaffoldext-markdown Public

    ⬇️ PyScaffold extension which replaces reStructuredText by Markdown

    Python 12 4

  6. pyscaffoldext-custom-extension pyscaffoldext-custom-extension Public

    🚧 PyScaffold extension to generate custom user extensions

    Python 4 3


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