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Releases: puppetlabs/control-repo


25 Apr 17:15
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In 1.1.0 the site directory is renamed to site-modules. This improves
at-a-glance clarity regarding what this directory is and what it contains.

Any directory containing modules should clearly indicate as much
somehow in its directory name or path.

Refactor into template

29 Mar 23:40
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As is described in the Readme, the control-repo which initially began as a template and starting-point for R10k slowly began accumulating more opinionated code in the form of profiles, modules, and Hiera data. The 1.0.0 release of control-repo represents a return to its roots of being a minimal template for the purpose of getting started with R10k and Code Manager. All the code that used to be in the control repo still exists if you're looking for it - check out the Readme for direct links.

Final merge before refactor

29 Mar 23:25
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We discovered some code that wasn't merged in before the last release, so a new "final release" had to be cut. This incorporates the changes @npwalker performed to split the remaining profiles out of the repo and into their own modules.

Last release before refactor

29 Mar 23:19
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The control-repo has undergone a couple of transformations since its inception - from a template, to some more opinionated Puppet code, to its own "system" of managing Puppet. This release will be the last before the control-repo is stripped down to template status. In the event that people are relying upon the current codebase, this release will be the last in its series. The NEXT release (a 1.0.0) will be the template format.