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puku0x edited this page Sep 19, 2015 · 24 revisions

Having some error ? This page will help you !

Q1. Do I need other libraries or settings to build CV Drone ?

A1. You need only Visual Studio in case you build it on Windows. On Mac/Linux, you should install FFmpeg and OpenCV.

Q2. Why this program needs all versions of OpenCV ?

A2. Because some OpenCV 2.x functions which use std::vector<> for their argument need the same version of STL.

Q3. VS2010 told an error : link 1223 ?COFF?. What is this ?

A3. It is an error of linking ".Net Framework" objects. Please install Visual Studio 2010 SP1.

Q4. How can I change the camera channel ?

A4. You shold use ARDrone::setCamera() function to change the camera channel.

Q5. I can't change AR.Drone 2.0 camera to channel 2 and 3 !

A5. Unfortunately, AR.Drone 2.0 doesn't support channel 2 and 3.

Q6. I want to change image resolution of AR.Drone 1.0 to 640x480 !

A6. The firmware of AR.Drone 1.0 doesn't support sending 640x480 image.

Q7. I want to get 720p image from AR.Drone 2.0 !

A7. You can get 720p image by modifying ".\src\ardrone\command.cpp" . Take it easy !

Q8. Can I get horizontal and vertical camera image at once ?

A8. Only AR.Drone 1.0 can do it. Please use ARDrone::setCamera(2).

Q9. Why my drone's Vx,Vy,Vz,Altitude are all 0.0 ?

A9. They (except Vz) change during your AR.Drone is flying.

Q10. My AR.Drone doesn't fly even if I send ARDrone::takeoff() !

A10. AR.Drone doesn't fly when the battery percentage was less than 20%.

Q11. How to unlock the emergency stop ?

A11. Please put your AR.Drone on a flat plane and restart the program.

Q12. Does CV Drone support SIFT or SURF ?

A12. No. Neither of them are supported because of their patents.

Q13. I want to get all NAVDATAs ! How should I do !!

A13. You should configure "general:navdata_demo" to "FALSE". Please see ".\src\ardrone\navdata.cpp".

Q14. Why the video stream wasn't saved in my USB ?

A14. You should call setVideoRecord(false) in the end of the recording.

Q15. What is CV Drone's coordinate system ?

A15. Here, right-handed coordinate system. CV Drone uses modified one. coordinate system