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Releases: portainer/portainer

Release 2.15.0

05 Sep 22:34
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Deprecation notice:

  • Proposing to deprecate Kompose and remove the functionality to deploy compose yaml on Kubernetes. #7514

Breaking change - Edge:

  • Breaking change in API where the endpoint filter edgeDeviceFilter has been replaced by edgeDevice and edgeDeviceUntrusted

Browser cache:

  • Improved caching to prepare a resolution for an issue where certain browsers need a manual browser refresh for new version assets to load. The change only takes effect for upgrades subsequent to migration to 2.15. #7443

React migration:

  • Migrated docker/containers/list views to React.
  • Migrated the Docker console.
  • Migrated Azure Container Instances views to React.
  • Migrated the sidebar menu and adjusted the Settings page.
  • Migrated the Kubectl shell window.
  • Migrated tooltip into react component.
  • Migrated page header into React component.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.15.0 release


  • Introduced an option to forcibly remove a Kubernetes namespace that's in a 'Terminating' state. #4580
  • Improved the kubeconfig download dialog by providing pagination (including choosing of the number of items per page), an option to 'select all in page' and selection across multiple pages. #7261
  • Resolved an issue where the link shown for an application that is exposed via an ingress was including an incorrect port (the servicePort). #7337


  • Added GPU support to Docker containers. #3143
  • Added support to read value from .env in subfolder for git deployment in Docker Standalone Environment. #7265
  • Added message explaining that changed env values only take effect after redeployment or auto update via webhook. #7242
  • Provided prune option for stack deployment from Git. #7224
  • Removed "Show Container Template" toggle on App templates page and introduced filter and sort by dropdown options. #7394
  • Fixed recreate of container so it pulls the image using the SHA256 hash if its tag no longer exists, and if the image is still inaccessible (as it no longer exists or the tag or name is now incorrect) warn the user and disable 'Pull latest image' option. #6566
  • Introduced improved validation to the Docker build image function, to prevent invalid image names. #7463
  • Hid the ability to add edge agents in Docker Desktop Extension. #7197
  • Fixed host info being sent when host management feature is turned off. #7277
  • Removed port 8000 from Portainer Docker Desktop Extension. #7195
  • Following the introduction of v2 Docker Compose, changed any front-end wording that mentions 'docker-compose' to say 'docker compose', to clarify and bring in line with official documentation. #7141


  • Introduced new styling for Portainer. #7528
  • Introduced Portainer UI redesign with changes for common configuration pages. #7527
  • Included build information in Portainer for easier debugging. #7317
  • Introduced the ability to show/hide the password you are entering on login. #7461
  • Introduced CTRL+F (or CMD+F on MacOS) to search in web editors. #6537
  • Introduced the ability to filter connection type and agent version on the homepage. #7468
  • Improved environment address entry to handle http:// or https:// prefixes when adding an environment via Docker or Kubernetes (agent) options. #7462
  • Introduced a change to the Homepage's multi-select filters to keep the dropdown open after a single selection until the user closes it themselves, or the last remaining option is selected. #7548
  • Updated the agent library dependencies. #7420
  • Fixed a few typos in various locations. #7243
  • Fixed issue with environment page table losing selection on table refresh. #7395
  • Fixed missing BE feature indicators. #7396
  • Fixed issue where certificate uploading is not functional for StartTLS/TLS in LDAP configuration. #6271
  • Further improvements to Go panic state for the environments list handler. #7441


  • Updated UI of Add devices page to match the Add environment page. #7393
  • Fixed issue where editing edge jobs changed the configured cron expression. #7432
  • Removed Beta label on Edge Jobs. #7162


  • Improved Registry details screen with better prompting for relevant fields. #3015
  • Resolved an issue around not being able to add multiple Quay registries. #7430
  • Improved the Registry details screen to show the registry provider and made the Add registry screen default to Docker Hub as the provider. #7246

Release 2.14.2

26 Jul 04:15
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.14.2 release


  • Fixed an issue where the kubeconfig downloadable from Portainer always had port 9443 in its URLs, even though the actual Portainer instance was being accessed via another port. #7059


  • Fixed certificate file validation for .pem files. #7183


  • Fixed an issue where the original admin user was unable to change their password when external authentication is enabled. #7291
  • Fixed toggle state reset issue for custom logo and anonymous statistics. #7278
  • Fixed issue with not being able to add users to teams while LDAP authentication is enabled without auto teams population. #7252


  • Fixed pagination issue on Add edge jobs page for listed environments. #7312

Release 2.14.1

12 Jul 02:01
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Known issues:

  • There is an issue when using a Mustache variable (e.g. {{service}}) multiple times in the YAML, where the UI also prompts for it multiple times, rather than prompting for it a single time and then reusing it.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.14.1 release


  • Resolved an issue where users running Portainer with non-root access were receiving a 'Permission denied on docker-compose' error since the recent update to v2 Docker Compose. #6906


  • Resolved an issue where users upgrading a Portainer install, where the portainer_data volume is stored on a network volume, receive a 'Permission denied' error when the upgrade attempts a backup of the database. #7144
  • Fixed "Create user" button in disabled stage when external Auth enabled. #7214


  • Fixed issue where the edge agent could not connect when running Portainer behind a reverse proxy only supporting TLS v1.2. #7167

Release 2.14.0

28 Jun 04:29
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Known issues:

  • Known issue with manually adding an Edge Device environment through the edge device page when using Async mode, does not retain Async settings and needs to be manually added through the environment details page.

Breaking changes:

  • With the upgrade to Docker Compose V2, container names now use hyphens as separators instead of underscores. This may affect you if you are generating container names instead of explicitly defining them, then using them as references.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.14.0 release


  • Fixed issue around Git clone working with Main (in addition to existing Master) branch type. #6002
  • Updated packaged components to recent stable release versions: Docker 20.10.9, Docker Compose plugin 2.5.1, kubectl 1.24.1, Helm 3.9.0. #6074
  • Fixed a typo in the Kubernetes -> Namespaces -> Create from manifest (advanced deployment) page. #6968


  • Fixed issue around Git clone working with Main (in addition to existing Master) branch type. #6002
  • Updated packaged components to recent stable release versions: Docker 20.10.9, Docker Compose plugin 2.5.1, kubectl 1.24.1, Helm 3.9.0. #6074
  • Fixed issue for standard user having an empty network as default when creating containers on Windows environments #6959
  • Provide a stack template for dokku deployment within portainer. #7011
  • Resolved an issue when updating an application and changing its service from replicated to global, where an error occurs and the deployed application is deleted. #7056
  • Third-party developer Inedo has fixed their ProGet registry software to resolve an intermittent error admins were experiencing in Portainer on retag or delete of a tagged image. This is planned to ship 10 June 2022 in ProGet 6.0.16, before Portainer 2.14. #7073
  • Fixed an issue where, when calling Swarm update API through Portainer, incorrect overriding of the registry authentication header occurred, preventing pull of an image. #7095
  • Fixed an issue where the Docker binary was not being downloaded on Mac platforms. #7114


  • Redesigned team leader feature. #7093
  • Provided demo flag for running Portainer Community Edition in demo mode #6992
  • Fixed an issue where the delete environment confirmation dialog was positioned too low on-screen. #6983
  • Fixed an issue where agent and edge agent install command instructions do not list the agent_secret option. #6801
  • Fixed an issue where the home (environments) page no longer showed the words 'No tags' for environments without tags. #6967
  • The Add environment page and Environment wizard are now consolidated into a single consistent, improved wizard-style experience. #7022
  • Fixed Go panic state for the environments list handler #7047
  • Introduced ability for admin to set required password length. #7055
  • Increased the click/touch area in expandable panels so it's easier to open/close them. #7036
  • The 'Connected environments' title in the environment wizard is now 'New environments', as only those environments set up in that wizard session now show there. #7079


  • Fixed issue with status indicator on Edge Stacks not updating when removing tags from edge environments/groups #6950
  • For edge agents, the URL shown in the Environment summary page (access from the Home page) has now been removed, as it caused confusion since it simply showed the Portainer Server URL. #6978
  • Fixed Data race in the operations of the edge key in the Edge Agent #7024
  • Added "goto page" to the Edge devices page view #6982
  • Added the ability to add edge agents in the environment wizard #7023


  • Added display of BE feature highlights in CE for new Nomad, KaaS provisioning and kubeconfig import functionality. #7051

Release 2.13.1

12 May 02:40
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.


  • Changed the minimum TLS version of Portainer from 1.3 to 1.2 to avoid issues with nginx reverse proxies: #6902
  • Fixed issue with the Portainer authentication settings page not being able to save: #6899
  • Changed the password policy to require 12 characters for all Portainer internal users: #6904

Release 2.13.0

09 May 09:40
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Breaking change

  • The minimum TLS version of Portainer was changed from 1.2 to 1.3. If you are running a proxy in front of Portainer with HTTPS you will need to ensure it is configured to support TLS 1.3: #6902
  • Added strong password policy for all Portainer internal users. When using a weak password and logging in you will be required to update your password.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.13.0 release


  • Fixed bug causing domain names to not displaying correctly under publish application options: #6841
  • Fixed issue around deploying in default namespace via manifest using the Portainer namespace instead: #6831
  • Improve how Portainer helps you set up ingresses (especially Nginx ones), including support of regular expressions in paths - by assisting with required annotations and correcting a rewrite issue: #6854
  • Fixed an issue where, on setting up (on a namespace) an ingress controller for a k8s cluster and I create an app with two ingress routes on the controller, app details show only the second of the paths: #6856
  • Fixed an issue where Portainer's validation of a K8s namespace's hostnames was disallowing wildcards (e.g. * #6855
  • Fixed issue with default helm repo not populating in settings page: #6849
  • Created documentation around using GKE ingress with Portainer: #6848
  • Added input validation for kubernetes workload names: #5363
  • Fixed issue where changing Portainer to HTTPS crashed Portainer: #6836
  • Fixed issue where Helm Charts could not be deployed when using SSL certs with Portainer: #6742
  • Fixed issue of not being able to use a name previously used for kubernetes resources: #6830
  • Fixed issue where the Kube cluster resource stats had a rounding issue: #6472
  • Fixed an issue when deploying Portainer client with AGENT_SECRET without configuring Kubernetes agent with AGENT_SECRET where an "Failure unknown" error shows rather than "agent already paired" : #6791


  • Fixed issue where the Disable bind mounts for non-administrators setting would prevent existing volumes from being used: #6387
  • Fixed issue with creating a CIFS volume that uses a hostname: #6338
  • Fixed issue where webhooks for services were accepting invalid tags: #6493
  • Fixed issue with libcompose logging where error output is attempted to be included when an error did not occur: #6857
  • Fixed issue relating to Git stack update button being un-clickable : #6713
  • Fixed an issue where 'Pull and Redeploy' and 'Force redeploy' don't work on ARM: #6788
  • Improved the REST API documentation for images on private registries: #6712
  • Fixed issue where credentials from different registries were being used: #6087
  • Fixed issue where the stack name was displayed incorrectly: #6478
  • Fixed issue with displaying container template when connected to docker swarm in the app templates page view: #6837
  • Fixed text color on modal when updating a service: #6839


  • Fixed trivy Helm and Portainer vulnerabilities relating to direct dependencies: #6342
  • Enforced strong password policy for all Portainer Users: #6846
  • Improved the database migration to become more resilient: #6778
  • Introduced the ability to filter and sort environments on the Home page: #6823
  • When changing the user password the user gets redirected to the login page: #6456
  • Fixed issue where standard users were not able to generate API access tokens: #6753
  • Improved security for custom templates when using Git repos that contain symlinks: #6847
  • Improved how the installation page times out: #6740
  • Fixed bug relating to environment status in home page: #6047
  • Improved concurrency in agent code to prevent race conditions: #6677
  • Improved concurrency in backend code to prevent race conditions: #6677
  • Fixed duplicate naming issue for registries: #6838
  • Fixed issue around user accessing agent environment after changing an invalid environment url to a valid one: #6824
  • Fixed issue with the menu when connecting to another environment fails: #6449
  • Updated registry form wording from Password to "Dockerhub access token" : #6308
  • Fixed issue where Watchtower did not work for standalone stacks on Arm64: #5799
  • Fixed an issue where the hover-over tooltip for nav menu items always just showed 'Settings' rather than the menu item text: #6779
  • Fixed issue where the green success notification was not showing up after deleting a custom app template. #6724
  • Improved UX for setting themes by removing save button: #6840


  • Fixed issue with edge job file content failing to load and issue with editing script content: #6845
  • Resolved data race on stack deploy for edge agents: #6677
  • Added environment variable to the agent to adjust the probe timeout and interval: portainer/agent#293
  • Introduce the ability to pass env variables from a local system on edge devices to the edge stack: #6832
  • Fixed issue with edge environments having faulty heartbeat on Edge Devices page: #6825
  • Improved concurrency in edge code to prevent race conditions: #6677
  • Fixed data race in poll service on Edge Agent: #6677
  • Resolved some race conditions with the edge agent: #6677
  • Resolved data race on tunnels for edge agents: #6677
  • Resolved data race with activity timer for edge agents: #6677
  • Fixed issue with displaying AMT device table for non-activated devices: #6835
  • Fixed minor UI issues in Edge devices page view around Action buttons: #6844
  • Fixed issue when creating edge job from file returning 404: #6826


  • Updated the Go library dependencies: #6777
  • Migrated AngularJS components to ReactJS: #6031
  • Reorganized the file structure of the agent installation yaml files: #6776
  • Removed the integration with Storidge clusters: #6512

Release 1.25.0

09 May 09:13
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# Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 1.25.0 release

Users that deploy Portainer using portainer/portainer are using the old version 1 of Portainer, instead of version 2 which is deployed via portainer/portainer-ce.

Version 1.x of Portainer is no longer supported, maintained or enhanced. Continuing to use version 1 is at your own risk.
Upgrade by using the tag portainer/portainer-ce:2.0.1

If you decide to stay on version 1, please use the tag portainer/portainer:1.24.2 to prevent automatically upgrading to version 2, as portainer:latest will be updated to version 2 from May.


  • After logging in we notify the user to either upgrade or downgrade: #6723

Release 2.11.1

09 Feb 23:03
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Known issues

The default Helm Repository defined in the Settings is not correctly populated and needs to be manually entered

Breaking change

  • When OAuth is enabled, Portainer users can no longer use their Portainer internal password: #5889

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.11.1 release


  • Migrated to use the ingress API, available from Kubernetes v1.19: #6396
  • Allow Services to be managed for Kubernetes applications, which can be deployed within Portainer or outside of it: #5941


  • Fixed issue where updating the Stack always recreated the containers: #6306
  • Added the ability to filter the Swarm services published ports column: #6161
  • Added a warning when the same Swarm secret is assigned multiple times to a service: #2821
  • Added the option to detach Stacks deployed from Git to make them editable: #5748
  • Removed the ability to edit the Portainer container: #5121
  • Fixed issue where an error message would not be shown when failing to pull an image: #6239
  • Fixed issue where the default user for the container console was incorrectly auto filled: #6315
  • Fixed issue where uploading large files to a volume would fail: #4453
  • Fixed issue where stacks deployed from App Templates behaved as if they were deployed from Git: #5748
  • Fixed issue where stacks with environment variables in the networks section could not be removed: #5779


  • Portainer users can no longer use their Portainer internal password when OAuth is enabled: #5889
  • Option to encrypt values in Portainer database: #6412
  • Added the ability to override the "Force HTTPS only" option: #6126
  • Supporting the ability for Portainer to run inside a subpath: #3901
  • Updated the defaults for the Git authentication toggles: #6406
  • Fixed display issue for environment tags in the Home page view #6276
  • Fixed issue where scrollbars would show in confirmation dialogs: #6257
  • Fixed issue where the --sslcert flag was being ignored: #6021


  • Introduced the ability to control and interact with OpenAMT: devices #6444
  • Introduce the ability to add edge devices through FDO: #6445
  • Added behavior for Edge agents to reject connections if not connected to within 72hrs: #6420
  • Optimize disk performance for Edge Agent #6455


  • Upgraded golang version to 1.17 #6342
  • Updated the Swagger documentation: #6019
  • Deprecated EndpointProvider in the code and moving away from its use: #5524

Release 2.11.0

08 Dec 21:03
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Known issues

  • Deploying a manifest without a namespace definition and selecting the Default namespace in Portainer may deploy the application into the portainer namespace in certain circumstances

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.11.0 release


  • Restarting Portainer will no longer result in invalid kubeconfig credentials, which would have required the user to download a new kubeconfig file again: #5940
  • Provides a single process so that users can gain access to all their environments contexts from within the Portainer UI: #5945
  • Improved how a namespace gets selected when using Advanced deployment: #5557
  • Added warning that a secret will be created when adding registry access to a namespace: #5845
  • Fixed issue where selecting a Helm chart did not scroll to the top: #6146
  • Fixed issue when clearing Helm repo in global settings and added text notification in Helm charts page: #5996
  • Fixed issue where Helm charts fail to load in ARM cloud environments: #5937
  • Fixed issue where the kubectl shell wasn't working when Portainer runs on ARM64: #5723
  • Fixed bug so that Kubernetes terminology is used when deploying through Kubernetes: #6099
  • Fixed issue where error notice was coming up when deleting an application through kubeshell: #5939
  • Fixed issue where Portainer stacks were not being removed when removing a namespace: #5897
  • Fixed issue where standard users were unable to access the pod and node stats view: #5898
  • Fixed issue where the namespace details page showed an object object error: #5802
  • Fixed issue when selecting Cluster Setup in the menu: #6033
  • Fixed order of registries to be alphabetical in the select registry dropdown in namespaces: #6175
  • Fixed issue with publishing method defaulting to Ingress when changing to Cluster IP: #6190


  • Allow the resource settings of a container to be updated without redeploying the container: #5906
  • Added support for .bz2 and .xz compression formats when importing Docker images: #5220
  • Enhancement of the Docker image import feature to support manually adding tags to the imported image: #5944
  • Improved how to change the image when editing a Service by pre-populating the fields in the UI: #5150
  • Fixed issue where automatic updates of stacks fail after restarting Portainer: #5914
  • Fixed issue where pull and redeploy button was not functioning as expected: #5948
  • Fixed UI issue when using a personal access token to deploy from Git: #5847
  • Fixed issue where certain docker events showed as Unsupported: #2717
  • Fixed issue with stack names when migrating from Swarm to docker standalone: #6139
  • Fixed issue where migrating a stack shows up twice: #5159
  • Fixed issue where using a webhook with an image registry running on a custom port did not work: #4526
  • Fixed issue where downloading container log files added extra carriage returns: #5312
  • Fixed issue where copying container log files added trailing commas: #4318
  • Fixed issue where the scale labels of the stats graph was showing multiple times: #5843
  • Fixed issue where stats were not working on windows containers: #5826
  • Fixed UI issue with empty stack dropdown when deploying an application via the form: #5848
  • Fixed issue with Custom Template on Docker being created when the file does not exist on a git repo: #6184


  • The ability for users to easily interact with the Portainer API through the use of Personal Access Tokens: #813
  • Automatically sync Portainer dark/light theme with the browser dark/light theme settings: #5753
  • Fixed issue where the CPU and memory were not shown on the Home screen: #6143
  • Added confirmation modal when deleting an Environment: #5952
  • Fixed issue where removing an environment did not update the tree: #6127
  • Fixed issue where the DockerHub anonymous registry was being used instead of one with an account: #5896
  • Fixed issue where environment displayed as offline after starting Portainer: #5732
  • Fixed issue where the custom logo settings showed incorrectly in the UI: #4437
  • Fixed issue where uploading a backup file could not select a file on Mac: #5357
  • Fixed issue where apple touch Portainer icon had non standard image dimensions #5887
  • Fixed issue with widget header not displaying correctly for application settings: #6191
  • Improvements to avoid access to sensitive data through various services: #6261
  • Added validation when copying a template: #6263


  • Fixed issues with the Edge Agent reverse tunnel timing out: #5725
  • Fixed issue where the URL of an Environment would change to localhost: #5803


  • Bring users the ability to use Amazon Elastic Container Registry: #1533


  • Fixed issue where ACI stopped working when the number of exposed ports and container ports were different: #5335


  • Introduced ReactJS support in the frontend: #6031
  • Updated docker and kubernetes library dependencies: #6137
  • Updated the Swagger documentation: #5338
  • Added logging to migrations: #6183

Release 2.9.3

21 Nov 21:56
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.


  • Fixed issue where upgrade to 2.9.2 fails: #5969 and #6062
  • Added a build for Windows Server 21H2: #5763