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Releases: portainer/portainer

Release 2.18.4

06 Jul 23:36
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.18.4 release

Resolved CVEs


  • Upgraded Docker Compose version to v2.17.2 for Portainer Agent #9095
  • Resolve a problem building Portainer due to an issue with v1.53.0 of golangci-lint. #9057


  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to migrate or duplicate their swarm stack #9097


  • Resolved an issue where the static IP addresses in a macvlan were unexpectedly changed #9101
  • Enhanced the user experience of the 'Skip TLS Verification' feature by adding a confirmation modal #9098
  • Resolved an issue where recreate containers fail when it has a shared and external volumes #9102

REST API Changes

  • Resolved an issue where the response from the API was inconsistent when querying all endpoints and a specific endpoint #9096

Release 2.18.3

22 May 23:38
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.18.3 release


  • Restored options and wording in the Kubernetes Advanced deployment screen's Automatic updates section, following regression from changes in 2.17. (#8950)


  • Fixed issue preventing configuration of Portainer authentication settings with an alternative mTLS certificate


  • Fixed issue preventing LDAP server from creating a connection when using TLS 1.2. (#8980)
  • Implemented minor UI changes to clarify existing experimental and beta features, ensuring accurate icon and wording display. (#8951)
  • Corrected an issue causing the polling indicator to float incorrectly in UI when pulling Git repo list on the stack creation page. (#8982)
  • Resolved syntax styling display issue in web editor. (#8984)
  • Improved button color contrast in web editor. (#8985)
  • Fixed visual hierarchy in web editor selection behavior. (#8986)

REST API Changes

  • Corrected 'team' to 'teams' in Swagger API docs. (#8983)

Release 2.18.2

30 Apr 23:50
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Upgrade notice:

  • Users upgrading from 2.16.x should note that a bug was introduced then which prevented enforcing of TLS verifications. This has now been fixed but, in circumstances where certificates were not set up correctly and appeared to work due to the bug, you may now need to resolve the certificate issue or deliberately set the new 'Skip verification' toggle.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.18.2 release


  • Increased potential success rate of updating portainer with larger databases by changing Kubernetes manifest and Helmchart for Portainer, to have β€œinitialDelaySeconds” of 45(sec) and β€œfailureThreshold” 3. #8860


  • Fixed issue where users were unable to pull the latest image from the image details page #8847


  • Fixed issue where the option to skip TLS verification was missing when editing a stack created from git. Additionally, to adhere to security best practices, the option’s default value has been corrected to be set to off during migration #8853

  • Fixed issue where TLS verification was being skipped when creating / editing stacks created from git in version 2.16.x #8853

  • Resolved an issue with the updated web editor component, where it was not loading long YAML files correctly #8848

Release 2.18.1

18 Apr 05:33
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Please note 2.18.0 is not publicly available. This release is 2.18.1 and is our next GA release since "2.17.x". This was done due to the need to provide an upgradeable preview image to a customer.

Breaking change

  • For breaking changes in the API, please see the REST API changes section
  • The Kompose functionality in Kubernetes has been removed since 2.17.0. Compose yaml can no longer be deployed on Kubernetes.
  • Moved edge devices to the homepage view and removed edge devices menu option under edge compute
  • Add devices button is replaced with new UX in environment wizard.

Resolved CVEs

Portainer dependencies:

Agent dependencies:

Upgrade notice:

  • Since release 2.17.x we have added the ability to upgrade Edge Agents from Portainer when running on Docker Standalone / Docker Swarm / Nomad. Before using this feature we strongly advise to test this on a non-production environment first and have an alternative method available to connect to the Edge Device.
  • Any clusters connected to Portainer of version 1.23 Kubernetes and above will have their Pod Security Policies (if they have any and are using the pod security constraints feature) updated to the Pod Security Standards

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.18.1 release


  • Fixed issue where live connect button is clickable for async environment when it shouldn't be #8697
  • Removed "Add Edge devices" from Edge Compute and introduced to Environment wizard by renaming Edge Agent to Edge Agent Standard and introduced Edge Agent Async UI options #8783
  • Fixed an issue where "copy token" button was missing from edge agent environment wizard #8554


  • Improved performance of Kubernetes screens by adjusting rate limiting of Kubernetes go client. #8682
  • Improved Kubernetes Applications page performance by introducing a namespace filter.. #8637
  • Improved Kubernetes Dashboard page performance. #8635
  • Improved the load time of various Kubernetes pages by removing existing API calls that retrieve namespace resource quota information, where they are not needed. #8571
  • Introduced a new Services screen in Kubernetes environments to improve the visibility of all services that may exist in a cluster, and enable removing where they've inadvertently been left behind after manual removal of applications/deployments. #8613


  • Resolved an issue where default storage detection logic that runs on Kubernetes environment connection was incorrectly running on Docker environment connection, and was therefore causing an error to be output to the logs (but was otherwise benign). #8606
  • Improved the existing UI around GPU support for Docker Standalone environments, introduced an overall toggle to turn this on or off and generally improved performance in Docker Containers and Stacks screens where GPU columns may show. #8646
  • Fixed an issue where stack name validation was missing, causing deployments to fail #8629


  • Changed "upgrade to BE banner" to subtle always and removed toggle option from account settings as no longer needed #8721
  • Provide feature flag for FDO feature to be shown in UI #8696
  • Resolved a minor UI issue with the Container details page's container health panel alignment and content label wrapping. #8636
  • Fixed a typo in the placeholder text for the access control component's Authorized users dropdown where it said 'teams' but should have said 'users'. #8565
  • Fixed issue where logs in JSON format displayed incorrectly in log viewer #8787
  • Resolved an issue with slow performance of certain actions (such as bulk removing of unused container volumes or adding of Kubernetes ingresses) when a user has a long list of notifications (shown via the bell icon in the page header). #8604
  • Added release testing of ARM32 architecture for portainer agent
  • Resolved an issue that occurred when updating user preferences. #8570
  • Introduced UI mechanism for automatic retrying of tunnel connection when it fails due to high latency #8784
  • Added certificate support of AWS IAM Role Anywhere authentication for Agent and Edge Agent #8789
  • Fixed issue where searching is not functional in associated edge environment when creating edge group #8589
  • Fixed issue with Docker Swarm environment where containers count weren't displaying correctly in homepage. #8695
  • Fixed issue where skipping https verification was defaulted to true for azure git deployment #8698
  • Fixed issue where TLS Min Version was not fully enforced #8788
  • Fixed a minor issue on restarting a container where the toaster pop-up message shown had an extraneous slash in front of the container name. #8563
  • Fixed an issue while in dark mode, where, with any auto-filled text in fill-ins, the cursor completely disappeared until you started typing again. #8564
  • Fixed issue of missing requirement of TLS definition for endpoint creation and correct tagids parameter in swagger API #8780
  • Improved Edge Agent Health status indicator and keep consistency with API response #8781
  • Fixed issue where git deployment failed to edit or redeploy when compose path begin with slash #8782
  • Fixed an issue in the restore from backup function, where a timeout error can occur and Portainer does not restart with the backup restored. #8792


  • Improved the layering of the Portainer Dockerfile to ensure internal development-related aspects are excluded where possible. #8559
  • Migrated git deployment page form Angular to React #8785
  • Migrated code editor component from Angular to React #8786
  • Introduced Tailwind prettier which will group utility classes project-wide and order them in a recommended way, making it easier to work with them. #8560
  • Introduced replacement for bootbox with react components #8588
  • Improved the feature flag architecture to make it easier to use. #8562
  • Resolved incorrect usage of log.fatal to ensure the application exits only as necessary. #8561

REST API Changes

  • Fixed the API Swagger/OpenAPI documentation for some IDs that were defined as strings but should be integers. #8794
  • Added to the API Swagger/OpenAPI documentation that you can upload a file to a Docker Standalone host when the host management feature is enabled. #8793

New Endpoints: 1

  • POST /endpoints/{id}/docker/v2/browse/put

Deleted Endpoints: None

Modified Endpoints: 51

  • POST /custom_templates

  • PUT /custom_templates/{id}

  • GET /edge_groups
    - Responses changed
    - Modified response: 500
    - Description changed from '' to 'Internal Server Error'

  • POST /edge_groups
    - Responses changed
    - Modified response: 500
    - Description changed from '' to 'Internal Server Error'

  • DELETE /edge_groups/{id}
    - Responses changed
    - Modified response: 204
    - Description changed from '' to 'No Content'
    - Modified response: 500
    - Description changed from '' to 'Internal Server Error'

  • GET /edge_groups/{id}
    - Responses changed
    - Modified response: 500
    - Description changed from '' to 'Internal Server Error'

  • PUT /edge_groups/{id}
    - Responses changed
    - Modified response: 500
    - Description changed from '' to 'Internal Server Error'

  • GET /edge_jobs
    - Responses changed
    - Modified response: 400
    - Description changed from '' to 'Bad Request'
    - Modified response: 500
    - Description changed from '' to 'Internal Server Error'

  • POST /edge_jobs
    - Responses changed
    - Modified response: 500
    - Description changed from '' to 'Internal Server Error'

  • DELETE /edge_jobs/{id}
    - Responses changed
    - Modi...

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Release 2.17.1

23 Feb 19:13
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Resolved CVEs

  • Resolved the false positive report of Portainer binaries from VirusTotal. #8519

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.17.1 release


  • Fixed issue with recreating containers in the Portainer UI if they have been originally created via the CLI. #8507


  • Fixed an issue where upgrading to business edition leaves behind limited stack. #8516
  • Introduced an subtle option for business edition upgrading banner. #8517
  • Fixed grammar of placeholder for region field in S3 backup configuration. #8515
  • Fixed an issue where an error occurred for upgrading portainer to 2.17.0 version when docker engine version is 19.03 . #8514

Release 2.17.0

06 Feb 22:48
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Known Issues

  • Running Portainer with Docker Engine <= 19.03 (Docker API <= 1.40) will cause a fatal error similar to failed initializing upgrade service | error="failed to determine container platform: failed to retrieve docker info: Error response from daemon: client version 1.41 is too new. Maximum supported API version is 1.40"

Breaking change

  • For breaking changes in the API, please see the REST API changes section
  • The Kompose functionality in Kubernetes has been removed. Compose yaml can no longer be deployed on Kubernetes.

Resolved CVEs

Portainer dependencies:

Agent dependencies:

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.17.0 release


  • Introduced new homepage view with edge devices at same level as other supported environments: #8333
  • Introduced ability of browsing snapshot of async edge environment: #8336
  • Introduced ability of scaling edge devices to 5,000: #8349
  • Introduced improved environment tile layout to address consistency when edge devices moved to homepage: #8334
  • Fixed issue where edge stack incorrectly deployed to default namespace when there is specify namespace is defined in manifest: #8346
  • Fixed issue where select all checkbox is missing for edge stack and edge jobs table: #8029
  • Fixed issue with Edge device tags not showing on Create Edge Group screen: #7936
  • Fixed issue where delete edge device does not remove it from the edge groups mapping: #8348


  • The Kubernetes deployment option for docker-compose format manifests and the Kompose conversion tool that enabled this have now been removed due to long-standing Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) in Kompose: #8355
  • Improved the explanatory tooltips and info text for Kube application automatic updates functionality: #8223
  • Resolved an issue where Kubernetes secrets were no longer shown in an expand panel for each application listed in the Applications list screen: #8118
  • Improved config setting defaults when connecting clusters: ingress controllers (with a class) are auto detected/set as allowed, metrics API features setting is on (if metrics server is deployed), and storage classes with the 'default' annotation are on: #8240
  • Corrected the look of the fallback icon used for Helm charts that don't have their own icon: #8116
  • Made a change to default the resource quota's resource assignment setting to off for new Kubernetes namespaces but always show the toggle (although it can be disabled for change if the cluster's (BE only) allow over-commit setting is off): #8122
  • In the Kubernetes Add ingress screen, corrected the namespace selection dropdown to only show those that the user has access to: #8150
  • Added a check in Kube Cluster setup and Namespace -> Manage access to see if Kube RBAC addon is enabled in the cluster, and if not, show a warning that Portainer RBAC functionality will be limited. Warning also gives info on enabling RBAC in the cluster: #8171
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 2.16, where deploying of an ingress via the Portainer Add ingress form does not label the ingress object in the cluster with a Portainer 'internal' deployment label. Any deployment of ingress via Portainer should have this: #8337
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 2.16, where, when attaching a ConfigMap to an application being deployed via the Portainer Add application form, the ConfigMap is wrongly included as a Secret in the manifest and the deployment could therefore fail: #8323
  • Fixed an incorrect mention in the UI of a 'docker-compose file' which was showing when editing a Kube application deployed from git: #8228
  • Fixed an issue preventing adding of a Helm repo that has a redirect: #7892
  • Fixed an issue where the kubectl shell does not work when Istio Proxy is installed in the cluster: #8321


  • Upgraded docker compose to v2.13.0: #8289
  • Provided clarification and rewording in the UI around the 'Pull latest image' toggle in Stacks, Swarm Services and Service details update and Container recreate: #8226
  • Updated embedded docker binaries in portainer and agent from 20.10.13 to 20.10.18: #8290
  • Fixed issue of not been able to associate stack created from other docker environments: #8030
  • Fixed issue where content overlap edge of screen and left column becomes too narrow: #8161
  • Fixed issue where default option for access control is not selected when editing public resource:
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Release 2.16.2

21 Nov 02:04
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.16.2 release


  • Fixed issue where the Git repository section is missing when creating an Edge Stack via the Git repository option. #8072


  • Fixed issue where the effective viewer is not showing the correct user access role of environments they have access to. #8070

Release 2.16.1

09 Nov 04:46
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.16.1 release


  • Fixed an issue with view/edit of an external application (i.e. one originally added to the cluster outside of Portainer) where a 'cannot read properties' error was shown. #8003
  • Fixed an issue with view/edit of Kubernetes namespaces where memory and CPU resource limit sliders were positioned incorrectly and erroneous warnings were shown. #8004


  • Fixed issue of update stack button being disabled when updating an existing stack. #8002


  • Fixed issue with manage access link not working when assigning access for registries on an environment. #8005
  • Fixed issue with JSON formatted logs failing in 2.16.0 . #8006

Release 2.16.0

31 Oct 00:22
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Deprecation notice:

  • Proposing to deprecate ACI (Azure Container Instances) and remove the functionality to connect to ACI, view existing containers and deploy new containers.

Upgrade notice:

  • portainer/portainer:latest moved to portainer/portainer:2.16 .

React migration:

  • Migrated from Angular to React: Tag selector for Environment Details view.
  • Migrated from Angular to React: Teams view.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.16.0 release


  • When upgrading to 2.16, if you already have ingress controllers in a Kubernetes cluster/environment linked to Portainer and used Portainer to set them at the cluster and namespace level, and if these ingress controllers were not used by any ingresses, after the upgrade, you may end up with dummy ingresses visible in the new Ingresses screen in Portainer (that are not actually used for any deployment). This is simply an artifact of how we retained information about ingress controllers in earlier Portainer releases. If you find these kinds of dummy ingresses, you can safely delete them.
  • Introduced the ability to auto detect ingress classes in the environment. #7827
  • Added an Ingress menu option in the sidebar that lists all Ingresses in the cluster. #7839
  • Introduced the ability to set the type of a Kubernetes secret (e.g. TLS or a user-defined/custom type). Existing secrets were previously always of type Opaque (which remains the default). #7842
  • Improved ingress options on the cluster setup page, allowing admins to define ingresses without assigning them to a namespace. #7832
  • Introduce TLS and HTTPS support for ingresses. #7843
  • Moved the Ingress management from the Application details page to a new Ingress section. #7828
  • Resolved an issue when OAuth is in use and Kubernetes updates are deployed via manifest from git. The user email address used in labels/annotations for Kube objects now has disallowed characters (such as the at symbol) replaced with a dot (period symbol). #7720
  • Resolved an issue where Node stats would not work for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters. #7668
  • Fixed the issue of missing Kubernetes definition for Kubernetes application deployment in the swagger API documentation. #7741


  • Updated the Compose version to 2.10.2. #7838
  • Added support for shared memory when creating or editing a container by allowing to set --shm-size from portainer. #4992
  • Introduced support for uploading of local files to be included in a Docker image when using Portainer to build an image. #7796
  • Added information for rebuilding images from stacks on docker standalone environments. #7829
  • Added information to the build image from the URL page, including a link to additional documentation. #7771
  • Fixed an issue where environment variables for stacks could not be set to empty. #7780
  • Fixed an issue where assigning user access to a stack, showed users that don't have access to the Environment. #7695
  • Fixed the issue of missing agent deployment script for the docker standalone environment. #7757
  • Fixed the issue of the misconfigured stack being saved and subsequently can not be deleted. #7798
  • Fixed an issue where the Swarm secret values incorrectly were being trimmed. #7772
  • Fixed an issue where the Docker API section in the add environment wizard incorrectly was showing the docker.sock code block. #7650
  • Fixed an issue where renaming a deployed container resulted in an error. #7778
  • Fixed an error message when adding new docker environments with invalid CA certs for TLS. #7934
  • Adjusted the "remove" buttons as per the UI guidelines that were introduced in the 2.15 release. #7739
  • Updated port number to 49000 & 49443 for portainer desktop extension. #7696


  • Introduced a new section that shows past toaster notifications, which are stored in the browser's local storage. #7756
  • Introduced a context sensitive help button that links to the relevant documentation based on the current page. #7744
  • Introduced login screen banner to the login page.
  • Updated dependencies of PCIDB/GHW for the portainer agent. #7705
  • Updated version of chart.js to 2.9.4 and moment to 2.29.4. #7681
  • Updated binary version for docker-compose and helm (to v3.9.3). #7704
  • Updated the agent library dependencies. #7420
  • Fixed select all behavior in environments page.
  • Fixed an issue where the browser tab title did not update with the actually selected environment. #7651
  • Fixed issue with text color and text background color on auto-filled text.
  • Fixed issue where the dropdown menu has incorrect background color in dark mode. #7678
  • Fixed styling issues in the Runtime & Resources tab. #7779
  • Fixed an issue where the new styling wasn't being applied to links. #7740
  • Adjusted the warning text color as per the UI guidelines that were introduced in the 2.15 release. #7667


  • Fixed an issue where the Group and Tag could not be set for Nomad environments when adding it via the wizard. #7703


  • Improved unit tests by using T.TempDir to create a temporary test directory. #7675
  • Replaced the logrus logging framework with Zerolog. #7935
  • Fixed an issue where new installations that use the develop branch didn't apply the analytics setting correctly. #7584

Release 2.15.1

15 Sep 23:22
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See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.15.1 release


  • Fixed an issue with connecting to the local Docker environment when using Windows Container Services. #7618
  • Fixed an issue where the build image button would stay inactive when using a tar file. #7624
  • Added re-pull image option to Docker stacks. #7671


  • Fixed an issue where some colors in dark mode appeared too brown. #7616
  • Fixed an issue when using leading or trailing spaces in a password would break the login process. #7621