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Releases: pointcheckout/magento2-pointcheckout


03 Aug 12:35
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Card and Reward payment extensions

Card Payment extension

Download and extract the file inside the folder {magento-root}/

you should have the following folder :


under magento root folder execute the following commands:

# Install Card payment extension
bin/magento module:enable PointCheckout_Card --clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile

now go to your admin panel Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods you will find PointCheckout Card Payment listed on the available payment methods

setup the configuration and set the Environment, Api key and Secret as required from PointCheckout

Rewards Payment extension ( Jordan Only )

Download and extract the file inside the folder {magento-root}/

you should have the following folder :


under magento root folder execute the following commands:

# Install Card payment extension
bin/magento module:enable PointCheckout_Rewards --clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile

now go to your admin panel Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods you will find PointCheckout Rewards Payment listed on the available payment methods

setup the configuration and set the Environment, Api key and Secret as required from PointCheckout


01 Feb 00:25
Choose a tag to compare

Card and Reward payment extensions

Extract inside the folder {magento-root}/app/code

- create the folder {magento-root}/app/code if it does not exist

you should have the following folders :


under magento root folder execute the following commands:

# Install Card payment extension
bin/magento module:enable PointCheckout_Card --clear-static-content

# Install Rewards payment extension
bin/magento module:enable PointCheckout_Rewards --clear-static-content

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

now go to your admin panel Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods you will find PointCheckout Card Payment and PointCheckout Rewards listed on the available payment methods

setup the configuration and set the Environment, Api key and Secret as required from PointCheckout


29 Dec 12:42
Choose a tag to compare

Card and Reward payment extensions

Extract inside the folder {magento-root}/app/code

- create the folder {magento-root}/app/code if it does not exist

you should have the following folders :


under magento root folder execute the following commands:

# Install Card payment extension
sudo bin/magento-cli module:enable PointCheckout_Card --clear-static-content

# Install Rewards payment extension
sudo bin/magento-cli module:enable PointCheckout_Rewards --clear-static-content

sudo bin/magento-cli setup:upgrade

sudo bin/magento-cli setup:di:compile

now go to your admin pannel Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods you will find PointCheckout Card Payment and PointCheckout Rewards listed on the available payment methods

setup the configuration and set the Environment, Api key and Secret as required from PointCheckout


06 Dec 17:24
Choose a tag to compare

Card and Reward payment extensions

Extract inside the folder {magento-root}/app/code

- create the folder {magento-root}/app/code if it does not exist

you should have the following folders :


under magento root folder execute the following commands:

# Install Card payment extension
sudo bin/magento-cli module:enable PointCheckout_Card --clear-static-content

# Install Rewards payment extension
sudo bin/magento-cli module:enable PointCheckout_Rewards --clear-static-content

sudo bin/magento-cli setup:upgrade

sudo bin/magento-cli setup:di:compile

now go to your admin pannel Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods you will find PointCheckout Card Payment and PointCheckout Rewards listed on the available payment methods

setup the configuration and set the Environment, Api key and Secret as required from PointCheckout