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Vident (latin for "they see") is a component library for jQuery. It implements the mustache templating engine. Under the hood, it uses a small client-side router called page. You will not need to interact with page to use this library. The router included wraps around it and should suffice for most purposes.


Currently the most needed area is the documentation. Another thing I would like to add in later versions is a virtual DOM (like the ones in React and Angular).


/* index.html */
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="app">
<script src="path/to/compiled/script.js">
// main.js
import jQuery from "jquery"
import { setup } from "vident"
import template from "./template.mustache"

const $ = setup(jQuery)

const component = $().createComponent({
  template: template

  component: component,
  data: {data: "Hello World!"}
/* template.mustache */

This will render the component onto the div with an id of app