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Getting Started

Everything runs on a Vagrant VM for development and demo purposes. Make sure you have the latest releases of Vagrant and Virtual Box:

If this is your first time in the project, you'll need to cd into the project directory and fire up the Vagrant box for the first time:

vagrant up

Which will run the full provisioning script to set up the box. If you're curious what is happening, check out the Vagrantfile and provisioning script at vagrant/

From time to time you may also need to update your box. Do this by running

vagrant up --provision

instead of the usual vagrant up.


Starting the virtualbox with

vagrant up

will start the dev server and automatically start Nginx and PHP5 FPM. All you'll need to do from that point is point your web browser to 'http://localhost:8000' and edit the project files from your favorite text editor (not from within the dev server, but on your own host machine).

SSH access to the Dev Server

Fire up your VBox with

vagrant up

from the root of the demo-dashbord project directory. Once it's up, you can log into it with

vagrant ssh

However, logging into the virtualbox should rarely be needed.


For the time being, in order to keep the cmis fpm socket with the correct ownership, the vagrant VM needs to brought up with vagrant up --provision every time.


  • To use the new theme you'll need to navigate to _config/settings.yaml on your machine and change the _theme to utah near line 33.
  • Grunt runs from the _themes/foundation5/ directory. grunt clean has been added to help deal with aggressive caching during development. It clean also runs during grunt watch.