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Push Swap 100/100


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The push_swap project is an algorithm challenge aiming to sort a stack of integers using the least possible number of operations, adhering to a specified set of allowed operations.

This repository does not have a checker, so it is necessary for the sorting test to be carried out by third-party testers or by the checker provided by 42.


  1. Efficient algorithm to sort the stack.
  2. Limited set of operations: sa, sb, ss, pa, pb, ra, rb, rr, rra, rrb, rrr.

Compilation and Execution


#Execution option 1:
$>ARG="3 5 2 1 4"; ./push_swap $ARG
#[...list of operations...]

#Execution option 2:
$>./push_swap 3 5 2 1 4
#[...list of operations...]

Usage Examples

#Test counting the amount of movements:
$> ARG="3 5 2 1 4"; ./push_swap $ARG | wc -l
#[...amount of operations...]

#Test counting the amount of movements:
$>./push_swap 3 5 2 1 4 | wc -l
#[...amount of operations...]

#Test with sort checker:
$> ARG="3 5 2 1 4"; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG

#Test with non-integer:
$> $>./push_swap 3 5 2 one 4

$> $>./push_swap 3 5 2 -2147483649 4

$> $>./push_swap 3 5 2 2147483649 4

$> $>./push_swap 3 5 2 --2 4

$> $>./push_swap 3 5 2 -+2 4

$> $>./push_swap 3 5 2 - 4
