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Preferences - my dotfiles

A collection of personal configuration files.


To fetch the external dependencies (a couple of plugins) execute:

git submodule update --init

Then take a look at dotfiles.cfg; it contains a list of files that will be symlinked by the script when executed. The syntax of dotfiles.cfg is:

<source filename, relative to this repo> [destination file, relative to $HOME]

Run to set up all the symlinks.

All your configuration files must live in this repository so that you can track them with git.


For local configuration sometimes you can use a .local file:

  • ~/.gitconfig.local
  • ~/.zshenv.local and ~/.zshrc.local
  • ~/.tmux.conf.local
  • ~/.vimrc.local
  • ~/Preferences/elisp-init/init-local.el


To update all the submodules run:

git submodule foreach git pull origin master

Then git add and commit all the modified submodules directories.


Some stuff is ancient, some is outdated, some I don't use anymore. Emacs, zsh and tmux are used everyday for sure.

Some stuff has been blatantly stolen from other people's dotfiles but I should have included credits where it made sense.