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FlowGraph allows to dynamically build graphs based on previously collected netflow data and to use them in a web-based front-end, adding details about Autonomous System Number holders, IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes, inet(6)num objects, netnames from RIPE Stat.


Its core is written in Python and runs server-side, while the GUI is a web page powered by JavaScript and AJAX.


A demo can be found at



Yes, Python 2.7 (probably it's already on your system).

NetFlow data and NfDump

Of course, FlowGraph needs to read netflow data and requires nfdump to parse them.

It has been tested with version 1.6.12 and 1.6.3p1 (shipped, for example, with Ubuntu 12.04LTS).

To setup a netflow data collector please refer to the Principle of Operation section of the NfDump page on SourceForge.


The FlowGraph web front-end has been written within the Flask 0.10.1 framework.


Simply fetch the GitHub repository into your local directory:

  • One step installation:

git clone /usr/local/src/flowgraph

(replace /usr/local/src/flowgraph with your preferred destination directory)


Application specific configurations

Rename the to and edit it with your preferred text editor.

Some parameters must be configured in this file:

  • NFDUMP_PATH must be set with the nfdump binary path (if it's within your $PATH directories can also be left to the "nfdump" default value);

  • NETFLOW_* variables must be set depending on your netflow data files layout: a guide is provided in the NetFlow data path section of comments included in the configuration file.

The other parameters are less important and may be left to their default settings.

IMPORTANT: when done, set the CONFIG_DONE at the end of the file to True.

Local var directory

Build the FlowGraph's var directory referenced by the VAR_DIR variable:

mkdir var

Cached data, nfdump filters and log files will be stored here.


Drawing of graphs which are frequently used can be speeded up by continuously caching netflow data. In order to do so a process must be scheduled within crontab, by editing the /etc/crontab file or, even better, by placing a new file under the /etc/cron.d directory:

*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/src/flowgraph/

Tune it as you like depending on your netflow data rotation interval (replace /usr/local/src/flowgraph with your installation directory).

Web front-end

The web front-end of FlowGraph can be deployed in two flavors:

  • using the Flask builtin web server, not suitable for production environment but useful to have a working application in few minutes;

  • using WSGI containers or Apache with mod_wsgi.

In this document you can find two brief guides about the builtin server and the Apache configuration.

Please consider security aspects of your network before installing FlowGraph; it is intended for a restricted audience of trusted people and it does not implement any kind of security mechanism.

Flask builtin web server

  • To change the listening IP address, edit the last line of"")

  • From the directory where FlowGraph has been downloaded, run


The output will show how to reach the application:

* Running on
* Restarting with reloader

Any output debug message will be written to stdout.


  • Install mod_wsgi (if not yet): apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi (Debian-like)

  • Configure Apache to use mod_wsgi.

An example is provided in the flowgraph.apache file.

A quick setup guide is available on Flask web-site.

See for more details.

  • Edit web.wsgi and set BASE_DIR to the directory where FlowGraph has been downloaded in.

  • Ensure that the var directory has write permissions for the user used by Apache:

chown -R :www-data var
chmod -R g+w var
chmod g+s var


Graphs can be created from the web front-end; for each graph some parameters must be provided in order to extract netflow data required to draw the chart:

  • sources and an optional filter are used to narrow the scope of the query;

  • aggregation details are needed to understand what to draw.

For each time interval included in the input date/time range the first n elements of the selected type are extracted, ordered by the given criteria, and used to draw the graph. These data are saved in a local cache file, so that the next queries will be faster.

A scheduler may be enabled in order to continuously extract data from netflow files and save them into the local cache, so that graphs will draw faster.


The syntax used for filter is the same used by nfdump. See the FILTER section of man nfdump for details.

For the sake of readability filters may also be written to a local file and then included using the @include statement:

@include /path/to/my/dir/filter1.txt
@include %filters%/filter2

In the second example the %filters% macro will be expanded to the FlowGraph local var directory path.

Resource details

Once the graph has been drawn, clicking on resources such as Autonomous System Numbers (ASN) and IP addresses or subnets (both v4 and v6) will open a tooltip containing details gathered using the RIPE Stat tool, like ASN holder, inet(6)num object details, reverse DNS.

Run queries manually

The script can be used to manually run queries and extract netflow data to be used for later graph drawing. It can also be used to test that everything works fine.

Bug and issues

Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub at


Pier Carlo Chiodi -

Blog: Twitter: @pierky