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Phoronix Test Suite 8.4 Milestone 1

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@michaellarabel michaellarabel released this 07 Oct 22:58
· 2071 commits to master since this release

This is the first development release of the upcoming Phoronix Test Suite 8.4-Skiptvet as the Q4'2018 update to the Phoronix Test Suite.

This initial milestone release has a number of Phodevi fixes, including better vRAM reporting for graphics cards. The Phoronix Test Suite 8.4 release also eliminates the driver-specific reporting/interfaces around the old ATI/AMD fglrx (Catalyst) driver that has been unmaintained by AMD for several years now. Anyone still using that vintage graphics driver stack can, of course, continue to use the Phoronix Test Suite it will just no longer offer GPU frequency reporting, anti-aliasing reporting, and other features depending upon the driver-specific interfaces. But most anyone should be using the open-source or hybrid AMD graphics drivers by now.

Phoronix Test Suite 8.4 Milestone 1 also has clearer reporting when running an experimental/deprecated/unverified test profile, adding Nodejs + NPM as a possible external dependency, and other fixes and updates.