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Pull requests that update a dependency file
pending closure
pending closure
priority: evaluating
priority: evaluating
priority: high
priority: high
priority: low
priority: low
priority: medium
priority: medium
Pull requests that update Python code
status: accepted
status: accepted
status: backlog
status: backlog
status: blocked
status: blocked
Issue blocked by another one or some other reasons
status: do not merge
status: do not merge
Do not merge the code specified for now
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
Issue that is already been discussed before
status: help wanted
status: help wanted
Issue that might be solved faster using some help
status: invalid
status: invalid
Issue considered as invalid, so not an issue
status: sponsored
status: sponsored
Issue sponsored by someone or a company
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
Not an issue, no fix to be done, no code to be changed
status: work in progress
status: work in progress
Work is in progress for the issue to fix it as soon as possible
type: bug
type: bug
type: documentation
type: documentation
Not really an issue but something that needs to be clarified in the documentation
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Issue is considered as an enhancement to the code, so it is not a regression nor a blocking issue
type: feature request
type: feature request
Issue is an accepted feature request
type: gathering feedback
type: gathering feedback
Issue is waiting to be updated with one or more replies
type: good first issue
type: good first issue
Issue is easy to fix, allowing someone willing to contribute to do it
type: housekeeping
type: housekeeping
Non-blocking task but helps to keep the code clean
type: regression
type: regression
Important issue that causes a regression and should be fixed in priority