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Wallet Service

This is a wallet services API in NodeJs. Throug the wallet services API, the following services are available:

Account creation

A user provides a 12 digit phonenumber which well be used as account number and a 4 digit pin to create an account. The account creation details or records are stored or recorded in the database.


A user must be logged in to perform any transaction: A user login with a phonenumber and pin.

Funding Account

An authorized user can fund their accounts, deposit,. A user enters the amount they wish to deposit and that's the scope of this MVP. Users can not make a deposit of Zero and below.

Funds Transfer

An authorized user can transfer funds from their accounts to an exisiting account. Users can not transfer funds to their same account. A user can not transfer funds less than one. A user can not transfer more than their current balance A transfer transaction affects two tables automatically.

Withdraw Funds

An authorized user can withdraw funds from their accounts, Users can not withdraw amounts less than 1 Users can not withdraw amount greater than their current balance

E-R Diagram

Account details are recorded in the accounts table of the wallet database. When a user perform any transaction, withdraw funds, transfer funds, deposit funds, the changes are recorded in the account table of the wallet database and the transaction details are recorded in the transaction details table of the wallet database.

After user creates a new account successfully, they may decide to update their accounts with their details including thier name, when this is the case, this information will be recorded in the users table of the wallet database.

Postman Collection

This is a postman collection to the wallet service APIs, includes;

account creation api

login to account api

fund account, deposit, api

transfer funds api

withdraw funds api

Postman collection

Getting this application on your server: Clone this repository using the following command;

git clone

After cloning the wallet service APIs application, you will need to run the following command;

npm install

This command will install all the npm packages listed as dependencies and deveDependencies in the package.json file.

After installing all the npm dependencies, you will need to create a configuration file, .env with same name as in the .env.examples file with your own values.

Running the application

To run this application, run the following command;

Start the application in development environment

npm run dev

Run the application in production environment

npm start

Run test scripts in development environment

npm test

Live application link:


This is a walled service API in NodeJs







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