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@pauldijou pauldijou released this 22 Dec 10:17
· 94 commits to master since this release

This is probably the last release before 1.0. Just wanted to battle test it in production before freezing the API.

⚠️ Breaking changes (sorry...)

bindTo has been renamed to assignTo. There is still a bindTo function, but now, it returns a new action creator rather than mutating the existing one. This is in order to both be closer to the actual bind function (which return a new function) and offer better support for immutability and server side code (where you have common actions for all requests but a store for each one, so mutating isn't an option). Just do a global find and replace of bindTo to assignTo and bindAll to assignAll and you are good to go!

assignTo and assignAll

Those functions replace bindTo and bindAll. Same feature.

bindTo and bindAll

Now returns a new action creator which will act just like the original one but no longer mutate it.

dispatch function or store object

When passing a store to bindTo, assignTo, bindAll or assignAll, you can now also pass a dispatch function. This might come handy if you want to do the binding inside an connect function from react-redux where you only have access to the dispatch function.

import store from './store';

// This code...
const bindedAction = createAction().bindTo(store);
// Is equal to
const bindedAction = creatAction().bindTo(store.dispatch);


redux-act now supports batched actions. You should know that each dispatched action will trigger all listeners on the store. Some libs rely on that, react-redux might re-render it's wrapped React component for example. So if you need to dispatch several actions at once to update different parts of your store, rather than creating a meta-action that do all the stuff inside the reducer, you can batch them so they will all be applied inside only one dispatch.

batch is an action creator like any other created using createAction. You can assign or bind it if you want, especially if you only have one store. You can even use inside reducers. It is enabled by default, but you can remove it and put it back. See README for more examples.

import { dispatch } from './store';

const a1 = createAction();
const a2 = createAction();
const a3 = createAction();

// -- Default strategy
// -> trigger all store listeners
// -> trigger all store listeners
// -> trigger all store listeners

// -- Batched strategy
import { batch } from 'redux-act';
dispatch(batch(a1(), a2(), a3()));
// -> trigger all store listeners only once

// You can also use an array if you want
dispatch(batch([a1(), a2(), a3()]));

⚠️ Warning This does not work with binded or assigned action creators. They need to return an action object, not automatically dispatch it. If you are using those features (because, you know, they are awesome), you can call the raw method to retrieve the action object directly without dispatching it.

// Assigned action creators
const a1 = createAction();
const a2 = createAction();
store.dispatch(batch(a1.raw(), a2.raw()));

// Binded action creators
const a1 = createAction().bindTo(store);
const a2 = createAction().bindTo(store);
store.dispatch(batch(a1.raw(), a2.raw()));

You can do some other funny stuff, just because.

import { batch, disbatch, createAction } from 'redux-act';
import store from './store';

const a1 = createAction();
const a2 = createAction();

// All the following samples do the exact same thing.
// (and each time, you have both syntax, using or not an array)

// Basic batch
store.dispatch(batch(a1(), a2()));
store.dispatch(batch([a1(), a2()]));

// Disbatch from a store
disbatch(store, a1(), a2());
disbatch(store, [a1(), a2()]);

// Disbatch from a dispatch function
disbatch(store.dispatch, a1(), a2());
disbatch(store.dispatch, [a1(), a2()]);

// Add the disbatch method to the store and use it
store.disbatch(a1(), a2());
store.disbatch([a1(), a2()]);

Action creator status

You can now test the status of an action creator.

const action = createAction();
const store = createStore(() => 0);

action.assigned(); // false, not assigned
action.binded(); // false, not binded
action.dispatched(); // false, test if either assigned or binded

action.assigned(); // true
action.binded(); // false
action.dispatched(); // true

const bindedAction = action.bindTo(store);
bindedAction.assigned(); // false
bindedAction.binded(); // true
bindedAction.dispatched(); // true