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##OxERPTest Build Status License

Test your OXID ERP in a automated way.

OxERPTest is a CLI Tool based on Symfony2 which calls the OXID ERP and compares the result.


  1. Install the dependencies using composer
  2. Create the calls you want to test in var/calls/ as xml files. Use the name given by the OXID ERP naming convention e.g. OXERPGetOrder.xml .
  3. Create the equivalent response xml files for your tests in var/responses. Append the term Response to the call name e.g. OXERPGetOrderResponse.xml.

####Important !! Use the ##SESSIONID## placeholder in the calls to ensure the replacement with the dynamic session id. Checkout the .dummy files for an example.

##Usage ###The test all command Test all your calls using the command

php bin/oxerptest test:all username password

 // authorizing against the erp                                                                                         

 // collecting calls                                                                                                    

 // got 2 calls start testing...                                                                                        

 [OK] OXERPGetArticle: test passed                                                                                      
 [OK] OXERPGetOrder: test passed                                                                                        

You can use the optional commands to modify the default behavior:

      --shopId=SHOPID            the shopId you want to test [default: "1"]
      --languageId=LANGUAGEID    the languageId of the shop you want to test [default: "0"]
      --wsdlversion=WSDLVERSION  the version number of the wsdl [default: "2.12"]

###The test one command Test one specific call

php bin/oxerptest test:one username password OXREPGetOrder.xml

 // authorizing against the erp                                                                                         
 [OK] OXERPGetOrder: test passed                                                                                        

You can use the optional commands to modify the default behavior:

      --shopId=SHOPID            the shopId you want to test [default: "1"]
      --languageId=LANGUAGEID    the languageId of the shop you want to test [default: "0"]
      --wsdlversion=WSDLVERSION  the version number of the wsdl [default: "2.12"]

###The list command To list all your available test

php bin/oxerptest list:tests 

 // collecting calls                                                                                                    

 ! [NOTE] found 1 call(s)...                                                                                            

 // collecting responses                                                                                                

 ! [NOTE] found 1 response(s)...                                                                                        

 // creating summary                                                                                                    

 -------- ------------------ ------------------------- 
  Number   Name of the call   Responsefile available?  
 -------- ------------------ ------------------------- 
  1        OXERPGetOrder      yes                      
 -------- ------------------ ------------------------- 

 -------- ----------------------- --------------------- 
  Number   Name of the Response    Callfile available?  
 -------- ----------------------- --------------------- 
  1        OXERPGetOrderResponse   yes                  
 -------- ----------------------- --------------------- 

##Tests You can test OxERPTest using php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/


Test your OXID ERP in a automated way.








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