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A friend-finder app for Trinity Bellwoods Park

App functionality

* Users can send their location via email to a friend to better find them inside Trinity Bellwoods park
* Email includes link to unique and temporary instance of a location within the park
* Page displays map with drop-pin, user you are meeting, and a custom description or message ("Hey, I'm wearing a red shirt over by the dog park")

Things to Investigate

* How to make invited self-destruct after certain time.
* How to google maps


* User
	- Email (required for login)
		- or Twitter oAuth
	- Password

* Profile
	- Name (required)
	- Avatar (optional)

* Invite
	- Location (required, populated with Google geolocation services)
		- Latitude:integer
		- Longitude:integer
	- Recipient: Friends' Emails (required, one text field at a time with +/- buttons to add/remove emails)
	- Message (optional)
	- profile_id (user who sent invite)
	- Button that sends temporary randomized URL of invite show view to friends' emails

* Parks (ability to add additional parks to the app later)
	- Location (boundaries)
	- Map
	- Landmarks

* Favorite locations (to add later)
	- Location
	- Nickname
	- Description


- User arrives on landing page
- User clicks to login or creates an account
- Once logged in, user lands on page that shows index view of invites and the form to create a new invite
- There is also a button to edit their profile
- When the user creates an invite, it will generate a temporary URL to the invite's show view that will be sent to each email in the friends' email list
- Friends will receive an email that contains this URL as well as the sender's name and message
- If the URL is expire or the sender has deleted the invite, it will show a message


	- We will limit the bounds of the map to Trinity Bellwoods area *in progress/DONE*
	- Invite index view shows list of active invites and an expiry countdown for each - *DONE*
	- After invite is created, sender can delete the invite in the index view - *DONE*
	- Show error/alert/message if user is outside of park boundaries *in progress/DONE*
	- Allow user to choose when invite will expire, default is 4 hours. *DONE*
	- Add background worker, so page doesn't hang while sending mail *DONE*
	- Show directions to park if user is outside of park bounds *In Progress*
	- Show direction in park from user location to meetpoint
	- Create a message if user does not have GPS/geo-location turned on