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Gentoo Overlay with surface kernel and other utilities from linux-surface repo.


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Gentoo Overlay with surface kernel and other utilities from linux-surface repo. Packages are currently working, but require further testing!

Full Install Guide

If you already have a bootable USB with secureboot disabled you can go ahead and watch the Install Guide:

Otherwise, please follow the prerequisites first


Use layman or eselect repositiory.

eg:layman -a linux-surface

eg:eselect repository enable linux-surface

Packages List

  • surface-sources-5.14.16
  • iptsd-0.4
  • libwacom-surface-1.9
  • surface-control-9999 (I need help for testing this as I don't personally use it).


  • surface-sources is the normal gentoo-sources with surface patchsets installed.
  • iptsd is needed for touchscreen support. Please also enable the services after install.
  • libwacom-surface helps provides better touchscreen support, please install it.
  • surface-control is a commandline utility to help with controlling your surface device, recommended to install.