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beGUI is a minimal customizable GUI system for Lua, and fully written in Lua.

Try it in browser.



beGUI 1

beGUI 2

"beGUI" implements:

  • Placable, resizable, anchorable, and nestable Widget
  • Textual Label, MultilineLabel, Url, InputBox
  • Picture
  • Clickable Button, PictureButton
  • CheckBox, RadioBox
  • ComboBox
  • NumberBox
  • ProgressBar, Slide
  • Group
  • Scrollable List
  • Draggable and Droppable
  • Tab
  • Popup, MessageBox, QuestionBox
  • Custom to make your own update function
  • And customizable by writing your own widget
  • Navigation by key (or custom method)

Play live demo in browser.


beGUI is originally created to run within the Bitty Engine. The graphics primitives and input API is quite straightforward in Bitty Engine, it's possible to port it to other Lua-based environments with little twist, if that environment does rect(...), tex(...), text(...), mouse(...), etc.

  1. Clone this repository or download from releases
  2. Open "src" directly to run or copy everything under "src" to your own projects for Bitty Engine


1. Principles

beGUI implements a retained mode GUI system, it separates behaviour and appearance into widget classes and theme preference. Widgets are organized in tree hierarchies, each widget can have none or one parent, and none or multiple children. There are two phases of the lib, first to construct the hierarchy, second to update it. It enumerates from root widget to it's descendents during update, beGUI will handle internal states like visibility, click event, etc. then draw it properly with the theme preference during this procedure.

Most of the member functions return the widget object itself, it makes it easier to write internal DSL to construct full hierarchy in a tree style code.

require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI'
require 'libs/beGUI/beTheme'

local widgets = nil
local theme = nil

function setup()
  local P = beGUI.percent -- Alias of percent.
  widgets =
    :put(0, 0)
    :resize(P(100), P(100))
    :addChild('beGUI demo')
        :anchor(0, 0)
        :put(10, 10)
        :resize(100, 23)
        :anchor(0, 0)
        :put(10, 36)
        :resize(100, 23)
        :on('clicked', function (sender)
          local lbl = widgets:find('label')
          lbl:setValue('Clicked ' .. tostring(sender))
  theme = beTheme.default()

function update(delta)
  cls(, 255, 255))

  widgets:update(theme, delta)

Each widget has an anchor property which represents for the locating point in its local space, and a position property for either absolute or percentage position in its parent's space relatively. The final position is calculated according to these two properties. An anchor component is typically in range of values from 0.0 to 1.0, but it could be also less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0. A relative position component is typically in range of values from Percent(0) to Percent(100), but it could be also less than Percent(0) or greater than Percent(100).

Resources are splitted into nine grids evenly for flex scaled widgets.

2. Structures


These structures are used to help organizing widget layout.


beStructures.Percent denotes relative value instead of absolute for positioning and sizing depending on its parent properties.

Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI_Structures'

  • constructs a Percent object
    • amount: real number, no limit but often with range of values from 0 to 100
  • p.__mul(num): multiply the Percent value with another number
    • num: the number to multiply
    • returns result number


Shortcut to create Percent object.

Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI'

  • beGUI.percent(amount): constructs a Percent object
    • amount: real number, no limit but often with range of values from 0 to 100
    • returns Percent

3. Widget



Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI'

  • constructs a Widget object

  • widget:setId(id): sets the ID of the Widget; an ID is used to identify a Widget from others for accessing

    • id: ID string
    • returns self
  • widget:get(...): gets a child Widget with the specific ID sequence

    • ...: ID sequence of the full hierarchy path
    • returns the got Widget or nil
  • widget:find(id): finds the first matched Widget with the specific ID

    • id: ID string at any level of the hierarchy path
    • returns the found Widget or nil
  • widget:visible(): gets the visibility of the Widget

    • returns boolean for visibility
  • widget:setVisible(val): sets the visibility of the Widget

    • val: whether it's visible
    • returns self
  • widget:capturable(): gets the capturability of the Widget

    • returns boolean or string for capturability
  • widget:setCapturable(val): sets the capturability of the Widget

    • val: true, false or 'children'
    • returns self
  • widget:anchor(x, y): sets the anchor of the Widget; anchor is used to calculate the offset when placing Widget

    • x: x position of the anchor in local space as number, typically [0.0, 1.0] for [left, right], but it could be also less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0
    • y: y position of the anchor in local space as number, typically [0.0, 1.0] for [top, bottom], but it could be also less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0
    • returns self
  • widget:offset(): gets the offset of the Widget

    • returns offset x, y in world space
  • widget:put(x, y): sets the position of the Widget

    • x: number for absolute position; or Percent for relative position, typically with range of values from Percent(0) to Percent(100), but it could be also less than Percent(0) or greater than Percent(100)
    • y: number for absolute position; or Percent for relative position, typically with range of values from Percent(0) to Percent(100), but it could be also less than Percent(0) or greater than Percent(100)
    • returns self
  • widget:position(): gets the position of the Widget

    • returns position x, y in local space
  • widget:worldPosition(): gets the position of the Widget in world space

    • returns position x, y in world space
  • widget:resize(width, height): sets the size of the Widget

    • width: number for absolute size; or Percent for relative size, typically with range of values from Percent(0.00...n) to Percent(100), but it could be also greater than Percent(100)
    • height: number for absolute size; or Percent for relative size, typically with range of values from Percent(0.00...n) to Percent(100), but it could be also greater than Percent(100)
    • returns self
  • widget:size(): gets the size of the Widget

    • returns size width, height
  • widget:alpha(): gets the alpha value of the Widget

    • returns transparency number, with range of values from 0 to 255
  • widget:setAlpha(val): sets the alpha value of the Widget

    • val: number with range of value from 0 to 255, or nil for default (255)
    • returns self
  • widget:getChild(idOrIndex): gets the child with the specific ID or index

    • idOrIndex: ID string, or index number
    • returns the found child or nil
  • widget:insertChild(child, index): inserts a child before the specific index

    • child: the child Widget to insert
    • returns self
  • widget:addChild(child): adds a child to the end of the children list

    • child: the child Widget to add
    • returns self
  • widget:removeChild(childOrIdOrIndex): removes a child with the specific child, or its ID or index

    • child: child Widget, or its ID string, or index number
    • returns self
  • widget:foreachChild(handler): iterates all children, and calls the specific handler

    • handler: the children handler in form of function (child, index) end
    • returns self
  • widget:sortChildren(comp): sorts all children with the specific comparer

    • comp: the comparer in form of function (left, right) end
    • returns self
  • widget:getChildrenCount(): gets the count of all children

    • returns children count number
  • widget:clearChildren(): clears all children

    • returns self
  • widget:openPopup(content): opens a popup

    • content: the popup to open
    • returns self
  • widget:closePopup(): closes any popup

    • returns self
  • widget:update(theme, delta, event = nil): updates the Widget and its children recursively

    • theme: the theme to draw with
    • delta: elapsed time since previous update
    • event: omit it for common usage, pass a prefilled event to prevent default event
  • widget:on(event, handler): registers the handler of the specific event

    • event: event name string
    • handler: callback function
    • returns self
  • widget:off(event): unregisters the handlers of the specific event

    • event: event name string
    • returns self
  • widget:navigatable(): gets whether this Widget is navigatable

    • returns 'all' for fully navigatable, nil for non-navigatable, 'children' for children only, 'content' for content only
  • widget:navigate(dir): navigates through widgets, call this to perform key navigation, etc.

    • dir: can be one in 'prev', 'next', 'press', 'cancel'
  • widget:queriable(): gets whether this Widget is queriable

    • returns true for queriable, otherwise false
  • widget:setQueriable(val): sets whether this Widget is queriable

    • val: whether this Widget is queriable
    • returns self
  • widget:query(x, y): queries a Widget at the specific position

    • x: the x position to query
    • y: the y position to query
    • returns the queried Widget or nil
  • widget:captured(): gets whether this Widget has captured mouse event.

    • returns true for captured, otherwise false
  • widget:tween(t): schedules a tweening procedure

    • t: the tweening object
    • returns self
  • widget:clearTweenings(): clears all tweening procedures

    • returns self

4. Basic Widgets

Basic Widgets


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, alignment = 'left', clip_ = false, theme = nil, shadow = nil): constructs a Label with the specific content

    • content: the content string
    • alignment: one in nil, 'left', 'right', 'center'
    • clip_: whether to clip drawing outside this Widget's bounds
    • theme: custom theme
    • shadow: shadow theme for shadowed drawing
  • label:getValue(): gets the content text

    • returns the content string
  • label:setValue(val): sets the content text

    • val: the specific content string
    • returns self
  • label:alignment(): gets the alignment

    • returns the alignment preference string
  • label:setAlignment(val): sets the alignment preference

    • val: the specific alignment preference string
    • returns self
  • label:clipping(): gets whether to clip drawing outside the Widget's bounds

    • returns true for clipping, otherwise false
  • label:setClipping(val): sets whether to clip drawing outside the Widget's bounds

    • val: true to clip
    • returns self
  • label:setTheme(theme, shadow = nil): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom theme
    • shadow: the custom shadow theme
    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, lineHeight = nil, alighment = 'left'): constructs a MultilineLabel with the specific content

    • content: the content string
    • lineHeight: the custom line height
    • alignment: one in nil, 'left', 'right', 'center'
  • multilinelabel:getValue(): gets the content text

    • returns the content string
  • multilinelabel:setValue(val): sets the content text

    • val: the specific content string
    • returns self
  • multilinelabel:lineHeight(): gets the line height

    • returns the line height
  • multilinelabel:setLineHeight(val): sets the line height

    • val: the specific line height
    • returns self
  • multilinelabel:alignment(): gets the alignment

    • returns the alignment preference string
  • multilinelabel:setAlignment(val): sets the alignment preference, the preference falls to 'left' if had set flex width to true

    • val: the specific alignment preference string
    • returns self
  • multilinelabel:setTheme(theme, widgetTheme): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom font theme
    • widgetTheme: the custom widget theme
    • returns self
  • multilinelabel:flexWidth(): gets whether to calculate Widget width automatically

    • returns true for calculating automatically, otherwise false
  • multilinelabel:setFlexWidth(val): sets whether to calculate Widget width automatically

    • val: true to calculate automatically
    • returns self
  • multilinelabel:flexHeight(): gets whether to calculate Widget height automatically

    • returns true for calculating automatically, otherwise false
  • multilinelabel:setFlexHeight(val): sets whether to calculate Widget height automatically

    • val: true to calculate automatically
    • returns self
  • multilinelabel:pattern(): gets the word split pattern

    • returns the word split pattern string
  • multilinelabel:setPattern(val): sets the word split pattern

    • val: the specific word split pattern
    • returns self
  • multilinelabel:translator(): gets the word translator

    • returns the word translator
  • multilinelabel:setTranslator(val): sets the word translator

    • val: the specific word translator
    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, alighment = 'left', clip_ = false, theme = nil): constructs a Url with the specific content

    • content: the content string
    • alignment: one in nil, 'left', 'right', 'center'
    • clip_: whether to clip drawing outside this Widget's bounds
    • theme: custom theme
  • url:getValue(): gets the content text

    • returns the content string
  • url:setValue(val): sets the content text

    • val: the specific content string
    • returns self
  • url:alignment(): gets the alignment

    • returns the alignment preference string
  • url:setAlignment(val): sets the alignment preference

    • val: the specific alignment preference string
    • returns self
  • url:clipping(): gets whether to clip drawing outside the Widget's bounds

    • returns true for clipping, otherwise false
  • url:setClipping(val): sets whether to clip drawing outside the Widget's bounds

    • val: true to clip
    • returns self
  • url:setTheme(theme): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom theme
    • returns self
  • url:on('clicked', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been clicked

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • placeholder): constructs an InputBox with the specific content

    • content: the content string
    • placeholder: the placeholder string when there's no input yet
  • inputbox:getValue(): gets the content text

    • returns the content string
  • inputbox:setValue(val): sets the content text

    • val: the specific content string
  • inputbox:setTheme(theme, placeholderTheme): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom font theme
    • placeholderTheme: the custom placeholder theme
    • returns self
  • inputbox:placeholder(): gets the placeholder text

    • returns the placeholder string
  • inputbox:setPlaceholder(val): sets the placeholder text

    • val: the specific placeholder string
    • returns self
  • inputbox:on('changed', function (sender, value) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget content text has been changed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, stretched = false, permeation = false): constructs a Picture with the specific content

    • content: the content Texture
    • stretched: whether to use 9-grid-based splitting for stretching
    • permeation: whether to use permeation correction
  • picture:setValue(content, stretched = false, permeation = false): sets the content Texture

    • content: the content Texture
    • returns self
  • picture:stretched(): gets whether to use 9-grid-based splitting for stretching

    • returns true for 9-grid-based splitting, otherwise false
  • picture:setStretched(val): sets whether to use 9-grid-based splitting for stretching

    • val: true to use 9-grid-based splitting for stretching
    • returns self
  • picture:permeation(): gets whether to use permeation correction

    • returns true for permeation correction, otherwise false
  • picture:setPermeation(val): sets whether to use permeation correction

    • val: true to use permeation correction
    • returns self
  • picture:color(): gets the mask color of the Picture

    • returns the mask color or nil
  • picture:setColor(val): sets the mask color of the Picture

    • val: the specific mask color
    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • constructs a Button with the specific content

    • content: the content string
  • button:setValue(content): sets the content text

    • val: the specific content string
  • button:setTheme(theme, themeNormal, themeDown, themeDisabled): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom font theme
    • themeNormal: the custom theme for normal state
    • themeDown: the custom theme for pressed state
    • themeDisabled: the custom theme for disabled state
    • returns self
  • button:enabled(): gets whether this Widget is enabled

    • returns true for enabled, otherwise false
  • button:setEnabled(val): sets whether this Widget is enabled

    • val: true for enabled, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • button:on('clicked', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been clicked

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, repeat_ = false, theme = nil, background = nil): constructs a PictureButton with the specific content

    • content: the content Texture
    • repeat_: whether to enable repeating event
    • theme: the custom theme
    • background: optional, the custom background Texture
  • picturebutton:setTheme(theme, widgetTheme): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom font theme
    • widgetTheme: the custom widget theme
    • returns self
  • picturebutton:enabled(): gets whether this Widget is enabled

    • returns true for enabled, otherwise false
  • picturebutton:setEnabled(val): sets whether this Widget is enabled

    • val: true for enabled, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • picturebutton:on('clicked', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been clicked

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, value = false): constructs a CheckBox with the specific content

    • content: the content string
    • value: the initial checked state
  • checkbox:getValue(): gets whether this Widget is checked

    • returns true for checked, otherwise false
  • checkbox:setValue(val): sets whether this Widget is checked

    • val: true for checked, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • checkbox:setContent(val): sets the text content of this Widget

    • val: the content string
    • returns self
  • checkbox:enabled(): gets whether this Widget is enabled

    • returns true for enabled, otherwise false
  • checkbox:setEnabled(val): sets whether this Widget is enabled

    • val: true for enabled, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • checkbox:on('changed', function (sender, value) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget checked state has been changed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, value = false): constructs a RadioBox with the specific content

    • content: the content string
    • value: the initial checked state
  • radiobox:getValue(): gets whether this Widget is checked

    • returns true for checked, otherwise false
  • radiobox:setValue(val): sets whether this Widget is checked; not recommended to call this manually

    • val: true for checked, otherwise false
  • radiobox:setContent(val): sets the text content of this Widget

    • val: the content string
    • returns self
  • radiobox:on('changed', function (sender, value) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget checked state has been changed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, value = nil): constructs a ComboBox with the specific content

    • content: list of string
    • value: the selected index number
  • combobox:getItemAt(index): gets the item text at the specific index

    • index: the specific index to get
    • returns got item string or nil
  • combobox:addItem(item): adds an item string with the specific content text

    • item the specific item text to add
    • returns self
  • combobox:removeItemAt(index): removes the item at the specific index

    • index the specific index to remove
    • returns true for success, otherwise false
  • combobox:clearItems(): clears all items

    • returns self
  • combobox:getValue(): gets the selected index

    • returns the selected index number
  • combobox:setValue(val): sets the selected index

    • val: the specific selected index
    • returns self
  • combobox:scrollable(): gets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • returns true for scrollable, otherwise false
  • combobox:setScrollable(val): sets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • val: true for allowing scrolling with a mouse wheel, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • combobox:on('changed', function (sender, value) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget selection state has been changed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, step, min = nil, max = nil, trim = nil, format = nil): constructs a NumberBox with the specific value

    • value: the initial value number
    • step: the changing step
    • min: the minumum limit
    • max: the maximum limit
    • trim: optional, used to trim before value setting
    • format: optional, used to format value for output
  • numberbox:getValue(): gets the value number

    • returns the value number
  • numberbox:setValue(val): sets the value number

    • val: the specific value number
    • returns self
  • numberbox:getMinValue(): gets the minimum limit number

    • returns the minimum limit number
  • numberbox:setMinValue(val): sets the minimum limit number

    • val: the specific minimum limit number
    • returns self
  • numberbox:getMaxValue(): gets the maximum limit number

    • returns the maximum limit number
  • numberbox:setMaxValue(val): sets the maximum limit number

    • val: the specific maximum limit number
    • returns self
  • numberbox:step(): gets the changing step

    • returns the changing step
  • numberbox:setStep(val): sets the changing step

    • val: the specific changing step number
    • returns self
  • numberbox:trim(): gets the trim function

    • returns the trim function
  • numberbox:setTrim(val): sets the trim function

    • val: the specific trim function
    • returns self
  • numberbox:format(): gets the format function

    • returns the format function
  • numberbox:setFormat(val): sets the format function

    • val: the specific format function
    • returns self
  • numberbox:setValueTheme(val): sets the value theme

    • val: the specific theme
    • returns self
  • numberbox:scrollable(): gets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • returns true for scrollable, otherwise false
  • numberbox:setScrollable(val): sets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • val: true for allowing scrolling with a mouse wheel, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • numberbox:on('changed', function (sender, value) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget value has been changed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, color, increasing = 'right'): constructs a ProgressBar

    • max: the maximum value
    • color: the color for the completed bar
    • increasing: indicates whether to increase from left to right, or reversed, one in 'left', 'right'
  • progressbar:getValue(): gets the value number

    • returns the value number
  • progressbar:setValue(val): sets the value number

    • val: the specific value number
    • returns self
  • progressbar:getMaxValue(): gets the maximum limit number

    • returns the maximum limit number
  • progressbar:setMaxValue(val): sets the maximum limit number

    • val: the specific maximum limit number
    • returns self
  • progressbar:getShadowValue(): gets the shadow value number

    • returns the value number
  • progressbar:setShadowValue(val): sets the shadow value number

    • val: the specific shadow value number
    • returns self
  • progressbar:setTheme(theme): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom theme
    • returns self
  • progressbar:on('changed', function (sender, value, maxValue, shadowValue) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget value has been changed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  •, min, max): constructs a Slide with the specific value

    • value: the initial value number
    • min: the minimum limit number
    • max: the maximum limit number
  • slide:getValue(): gets the value number

    • returns the value number
  • slide:setValue(val): sets the value number

    • val: the specific value number
    • returns self
  • slide:getMinValue(): gets the minimum limit number

    • returns the minimum limit number
  • slide:setMinValue(val): sets the minimum limit number

    • val: the specific minimum limit number
    • returns self
  • slide:getMaxValue(): gets the maximum limit number

    • returns the maximum limit number
  • slide:setMaxValue(val): sets the maximum limit number

    • val: the specific maximum limit number
    • returns self
  • slide:scrollable(): gets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • returns true for scrollable, otherwise false
  • slide:setScrollable(val): sets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • val: true for allowing scrolling with a mouse wheel, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • slide:on('changed', function (sender, value) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget value has been changed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • constructs a Group

    • content: the content string
  • group:getValue(): gets the content text

    • returns the content string
  • group:setValue(val): sets the content text

    • val: the specific content string
    • returns self

5. Container Widgets

Container Widgets


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • = false): constructs a List

    • withScrollBar: whether to draw scroll bar(s)
  • list:scrollableVertically(): gets whether to allow scrolling vertically

    • returns true for allowing scrolling vertically, otherwise false
  • list:setScrollableVertically(val): sets whether to allow scrolling vertically

    • val: true for allowing scrolling vertically, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • list:scrollableHorizontally(): gets whether to allow scrolling horizontally

    • returns true for allowing scrolling horizontally, otherwise false
  • list:setScrollableHorizontally(val): sets whether to allow scrolling horizontally

    • val: true for allowing scrolling horizontally, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • list:scrollSpeed(): gets the scroll speed

    • returns the scroll speed
  • list:setScrollSpeed(val): sets the scroll speed

    • val: the specific scroll speed
    • returns self
  • list:setTheme(theme): sets the theme

    • theme: the custom theme
    • returns self
  • list:scrollable(): gets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • returns true for scrollable, otherwise false
  • list:setScrollable(val): sets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • val: true for allowing scrolling with a mouse wheel, otherwise false
    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • constructs a Draggable


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • constructs a Droppable

  • droppable:on('entered', function (sender, draggable) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been entered by a Draggable

    • returns self
  • droppable:on('left', function (sender, draggable) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been left by a Draggable

    • returns self
  • droppable:on('dropping', function (sender, draggable) return droppable end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been hovering by a Draggable

    • returns self
  • droppable:on('dropped', function (sender, draggable) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been dropped by a Draggable

    • returns self
  • droppable:on('clicked', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been clicked

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • constructs a Tab

  • tab:add(title): adds a Tab page with the specific title

    • title: the Tab page title to add
    • returns self
  • tab:count(): gets the page count of the Tab Widget

    • returns the Tab page count
  • tab:getValue(): gets the active page index

    • returns the active page index number
  • tab:setValue(val): sets the active page index

    • val: the specific page index
    • returns self
  • tab:tabSize(): gets the specified Tab size

    • returns the specified Tab size
  • tab:setTabSize(val): sets the specified Tab size

    • val: the specified Tab size
    • returns self
  • tab:scrollable(): gets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • returns true for scrollable, otherwise false
  • tab:setScrollable(val): sets whether can scroll the widget by mouse wheel

    • val: true for allowing scrolling with a mouse wheel, otherwise false
    • returns self
  • tab:on('changed', function (sender, value) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget page has been switched

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • constructs a Popup


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Popup

  •, title, message, confirm = 'OK'): constructs a MessageBox

    • closable: true to enable the close button, false to disable
    • title: the title text
    • message: the message text
    • confirm: the text for the confirm button
  • messagebox:on('canceled', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Popup has been canceled

    • returns self
  • messagebox:on('confirmed', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Popup has been confirmed

    • returns self


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Popup

  •, title, messsage, confirm, deny): constructs a QuestionBox

    • closable: true to enable the close button, false to disable
    • title: the title text
    • message: the message text
    • confirm: the text for the confirm button
    • deny: the text for the deny button
  • questionbox:on('canceled', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Popup has been canceled

    • returns self
  • questionbox:on('confirmed', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Popup has been confirmed

    • returns self
  • questionbox:on('denied', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Popup has been denied

    • returns self

6. Custom Widget

Custom Widget

There are two ways to customize your own Widget, one is to use the beWidget.Custom Widget, the other is to write your own Widget class.


The Custom Widget exposes a 'updated' event to let you write short customized update routine in the callback.

Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI', implements beGUI.Widget

  • = 'Custom'): constructs a Custom Widget

    • name: the custom Widget name used to perform __tostring
  • custom:name(): gets the custom Widget name

    • returns the custom Widget name
  • custom:setName(val): sets the custom Widget name

    • val: the specific custom Widget name
    • returns self
  • custom:on('updated', function (sender, x, y, w, h, delta, event) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Widget has been updated per frame

    • returns self

Writing Your Own Widget

You can also write your own Widget inheriting from beWidget.Widget.

local beClass = require 'libs/beGUI/beClass'
local beUtils = require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI_Utils'
local beWidget = require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI_Widget'

local MyWidget = beClass.class({
  _value = nil, -- Define your fields.
  _pressed = false,

  ctor = function (self, ...)

    -- Customize your constructor.

  __tostring = function (self)
    return 'MyWidget'

  getValue = function (self) -- Define your properties.
    return self._value
  setValue = function (self, val)
    if self._value == val then
      return self
    self._value = val
    self:_trigger('changed', self, self._value)

    return self

  _update = function (self, theme, delta, dx, dy, event)
    -- Ignore if invisible.
    if not self.visibility then

    -- Get the offset x, y, which is calculated by this widget's size and its anchor.
    local ox, oy = self:offset()
    -- Get the position x, y in local space.
    local px, py = self:position()
    -- Calculate the final position with the delta position, offset and local position,
    -- where the delta position (`dx`, `dy`) is from this widget's parent, or 0, 0 for root widget.
    local x, y = dx + px + ox, dy + py + oy
    -- Get the size width, height of this widget.
    local w, h = self:size()

    -- The following code detects clicking.
    local down = false
    if and ~= self then
      self._pressed = false
    elseif event.canceled or event.context.dragging then = nil
      self._pressed = false
    elseif self._pressed then
      down = event.mouseDown
      -- Intersection detection.
      down = event.mouseDown and Math.intersects(event.mousePosition, Rect.byXYWH(x, y, w, h))
    if down and not self._pressed then = self
      self._pressed = true
    elseif not down and self._pressed then = nil
      self._pressed = false
      event.context.focus = self
      self:_trigger('clicked', self) -- Trigger 'clicked' event by clicking.
    elseif event.context.focus == self and event.context.navigated == 'press' then
      self:_trigger('clicked', self) -- Trigger 'clicked' event by key navigation.
      event.context.navigated = false

    -- Draw the widget.
    local elem = down and theme['button_down'] or theme['button'] -- Using the button theme.
    beUtils.tex9Grid(elem, x, y, w, h, nil, self.transparency, nil) -- Draw texture.
    beUtils.textCenter(self._value, theme['font'], x, y, w, h, elem.content_offset, self.transparency) -- Draw text.

    -- Call base update to update its children.
    beWidget.Widget._update(self, theme, delta, dx, dy, event)
}, beWidget.Widget)

7. Theme


Defined in "src/libs/beGUI/beTheme.lua". Widget classes will lookup for image resources, client area, content offset, fonts, colors and all other appearance preferences from it.

8. Tweening


beGUI is integrated with a tweening lib adapted from kikito/tween.lua, which allows to create tweening animations.


Model: require 'libs/beGUI/beGUI'

  •, subject, target, easing, loop): constructs a Tween object

    • duration: the duration in seconds
    • subject: the tweening subject
    • target: the tweening target
    • easing: the easing function
    • loop: whether to loop the tweening
  • tween:reset(): resets the Tween object

    • returns self
  • tween:set(clock): sets the Tween object to a specific clock point

    • clock: the click time point
    • returns true for success, otherwise false
  • tween:update(delta): updates the Tween object with a specific delta time in seconds

    • returns true for success, otherwise false
  • tween:on('changed', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Tween has been updated

    • returns self
  • tween:on('completed', function (sender) end): registers an event which will be triggered when the Tween has completed or looped

    • returns self
  • tween:off(event): unregisters the handlers of the specific event

    • event: event name string
    • returns self


beGUI is distributed under the MIT license.