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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation Charts

This is a tool to bundle CSVs with metadata then publish them via email. The goal is to define the structure of the zip bundles in a standard way so it's straightforward to generate arbitrary charts and reports to be collected and rendered on a website and be made available and in an easily downloadable format for clients to keep a copy of their own data.


To install, enter a shell with python/pip and unzip and enter the source directory and enter the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -e .

Then you should have an oval​ command in the path. To print help:

oval -h

To run unit tests

oval test


To quickly test the workflow with generated data and all defaults, first run the following commands:

oval create

oval gen-chart

Then create a file in the current working directory called bundle.txt with the contents:

[xyz-ips snippet="oval-charts"]

This is needed so the Wordpress plugin XYZ PHP Snippets can expand the chart rendering html and javascript. The snippet is the content of charts.php in the repo. Next, run:

oval set-text bundle.txt

oval --log-level=DEBUG publish -f -t -s -p 587 -u smtp-user -p password

The SMTP server specified when publishing should support SSL.


The idea is for this command line application to be called from whatever process that generates the original raw csv data. After that data is generated, a script could collect it and bundle it with metadata describing the data then publish the bundle.