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Releases: osu-uwrt/riptide_release

Talos VS Robosub 2023

07 Aug 18:39
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TLDR, Talos did the course...

using the deadly reakoner

using the tensor detector and mapping

headed for the ring, but missed just shy both times

Full Changelog: 6-7-23_talos...robosub2023

Talos Completed Prequal

18 Jun 15:47
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Talos was successfully able to complete prequal with this software version. Also attempted a search run, but was unable to submerge due to the torpedo system needing to be removed (it flooded).

Known issues:

  • No active vision system yet
  • Noted increased drift in depth measurement. Acquiring new sensors with better resolution to resolve.
  • Robot balance can be significantly modified when the torpedo system is removed. Requested to have a mass / volume simulator made should they need to be removed in the future.
  • RViz bag plugin when starting all is not able to batch the requests, and some are lost so they show up as non-local. (not resolved)
  • Remote bag server still saves bags to tmp dir (not resolved)


26 May 14:09
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Talos completed pre-qual.
Apriltag map calibration is working
Controller angular needs tuning
launch system is more reliable
vectornav is stable
ekf configuration is good.
bag panel in rviz has an issue causing bags to show as non-local even though they were spawned locally
bag server storage location needs to be moved from tmp
deconflicted rviz control panels

Puddles pool test

19 Mar 19:21
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Puddles pool test Pre-release

Puddles first pool test in a year! tested up to thruster solver and did some vehicle configuration. Has issues with TF and ZED fighting eachother. This should only affect puddles though

First Talos Pool Test

01 Mar 17:42
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First Talos Pool Test Pre-release

Calibrated COM, Mass, COB, Volume
Fixed MKII Firmware topic changes for kill switch
Tested thruster solver config and new DSHOT thrust mappings
Tested launch_service_c for use on robot
Tested riptide GUI recipie plugin with new launch service

Marked as pre-release as it has no valid controller calibration, nor has anything higher than the thruster solver and feed-forward control been tested.