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Legacy Notes (using older versions of osmdroid)

spyhunter99 edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Some notes on older versions of osmdroid.

Images for Buttons and whatnot

For osmdroid 4.3 and older, there's a number of resources that the map uses for various user interface helpers, such as zoom in/out buttons, the device's current location when GPS is available and more. These resources are loaded via the "ResourceProxy". The idea is that you can either bring your own images or borrow the ones from osmdroid. If you're borrowing, then you'll want to grab the files located here and add them to your project "src/main/res/drawable".

For osmdroid 5.0 and 5.1, the drawables are included with the AAR package. The resource proxy is still present and used so you can override values and images as needed.

For osmdroid 5.2 and up, the resource proxy is removed from the API set and replaced with Android context.

Create a custom Resource Proxy

Applies only to versions prior to 5.2

As mentioned above, the Resource Proxy is a bit of a strange animal that osmdroid uses to load some images for user interface controls. If you're using any of the built-in controls that need images (zoom in/out, person icon, etc) you'll either need to provide your own images, borrow the images from osmdroid's example app, or provide your own implementation of Resource Proxy.

The example osmdroid app includes an example of this called CustomResourceProxy (included with > 4.3 osmdroid). All it does is change the my location drawable (person) to an alternate image. The example is below.

public class CustomResourceProxy extends DefaultResourceProxyImpl {

     private final Context mContext;
     public CustomResourceProxy(Context pContext) {
		mContext = pContext;
	public Bitmap getBitmap(final bitmap pResId) {
		switch (pResId){
               case person:
                    //your image goes here!!!
                    return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mContext.getResources(),org.osmdroid.example.R.drawable.sfgpuci);
          return super.getBitmap(pResId);

	public Drawable getDrawable(final bitmap pResId) {
		switch (pResId){
               case person:
                    return mContext.getResources().getDrawable(org.osmdroid.example.R.drawable.sfgpuci);
          return super.getDrawable(pResId);

Then you can use your instance using the following snippet.

mResourceProxy = new CustomResourceProxy(getApplicationContext());
final RelativeLayout rl = new RelativeLayout(this);
this.mOsmv = new MapView(this,mResourceProxy);

In order to see any difference with our example (changes the person icon), we'll need to get a location fix and add it to the map layers.

this.mLocationOverlay = new MyLocationNewOverlay(new GpsMyLocationProvider(this), mOsmv, mResourceProxy);