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Thallys Oliveira thallys-smo
Hello, my name is Thallys Oliveira. I am currently studying the 4th year of Mechatronics Engineering at the School of Engineering of São Carlos - EESC USP.
David Ireoluwa Akins (aka AwesomDev) gooddavvy
Hi, I would appreciate followers. I am an aspiring astronomer who loves to code, and I've been coding for over 3 years now. My dad's GitHub is @asolpshinning.

Auzuma Platforms Corp. Coding Land: Santa Fe, Texas, United States

Aiza Maksutova aizamaksutova
research intern at vHive lab and HSE Robotics Group
Linden linden713

University of Detroit Mercy Detroit, MI

Alpay Ozkan alpayozkan
Data Science Msc @ ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

Xia Xiaowu littlefiveRobot
机器人算法工程师 bilibili账号:哈萨克斯坦x
Damiya Dami-18

IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal

胡翰泽 hhz0328
不积跬步,无以至千里! 不写Bug,谈何Debug?

UCAS China

Rafael siliciuss
B. Sc. Mech Eng | Computer Science | Digital Transformation | Innovator

Silicius Ltd

Ryosei Kaneko RyoseiKanekoTUS

Tokyo University of Science


Fudan University Wonderland

André Gonçalves Gomes AndruGomes13
Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering @ IST (Lisbon - Portugal). Currently pursuing a Master of Science in Robotics, Systems and Control @ ETH Zurich
Finn FinnPrivateGit
ETHZ Student who is working on private Projects like cross-plattform-applications and websites.

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Zürich

Nidhish Chadive ru2saig
Hello there!

Dining at The Restaurant at The End of the Universe

Ulises C: uwulises
Mechanical Engineering student \\ I like robots, 3D printing & CNC machining c:

Universidad de Chile Chile

Adeeb Islam adeebislam8

KAIST Daejeon, South Korea

Juwon Kim U-MAC
Multi Agent System & Multi-Robot SLAM researcher, Ph.D integrated in @sparolab

Republic of Korea

M.Eng. (in progress)

Wuhan University Wuhan, China