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Thomas Weise edited this page May 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the TSPSuite wiki!

The TSPSuite is a Java project for implementing, testing, benchmarking, evaluating, and comparing algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). As such, it provides

  1. a set of basic classes to implement TSP solvers,
  2. JUnit tests that can check whether an algorithm produces invalid solutions,
  3. classes for benchmarking the solvers (in a parallel and/or distributed fashion), which collect performance metrics by applying the solvers to the problem instances from the well-known TSPLib benchmark set and store these measurements in text-based log files, and
  4. an evaluator component that can run, load, and evaluate these log files to produce summary reports, similar to conference papers or theses (in LaTeX, PDF, or XHTML format) and which can compare the performance of multiple algorithms statistically,
  5. a large set of implemented TSP solvers that can be extended, modified, or otherwise serve as example for implementing and developing own algorithms.

These components make the TSPSuite a useful tool for verifying new ideas for solving TSPs, to test new algorithm approaches in general, and to compare whether a new idea (say a parameter adaptation strategy) actually works well (an algorithm becomes better when using it). The whole project is open-source and licensed under the GPL.

In this wiki, we provide an overview, introduction, and how-tos in order to interest you to use it.

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